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Networking Beta 5.3.0f1 Networking Bug?

Discussion in '5.3 Beta' started by Lymbow, Nov 17, 2015.

  1. Lymbow


    Sep 11, 2015
    I've recently started working on a multiplayer fps and I noticed what I think is a bug with the new version.

    Right now I only have a player with the essentials for syncing movement (identity, networktransform, rigidbody3d) and they're set up properly, I know this since this exact set up worked before I installed the new beta version.

    The issue is that when you choose to host the game (Instead of just creating a server), you won't receive updates from other players. However, the other connected clients will be able to see YOU move. When starting with just a server you're able to see all the players move, which the host couldn't. Seems to be some problem between server and the client who's hosting.
  2. Alex-Lian



    Do you have a bug with repro project? We have some fixes landing for networking in rc2 coming up, but without knowing your exact situation they may be addressing other things.
  3. Lymbow


    Sep 11, 2015
    Not sure I understand what you mean. Might not be the answer you're looking for.

    I can reproduce the bug every time I try in my project.
    What's a good way of letting you know of my exact situation?
  4. Alex-Lian



    Submit a bug via the bug reporter, with your project attached.
    Let us know the bug # here so I can expedite its processing.
  5. Lymbow


    Sep 11, 2015
    I'm assuming the case ID is what you want.

    Here it is: 745512