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Question Best practice for initializing currencies on Economy service

Discussion in 'Unity Gaming Services General Discussion' started by antoniorobertoarcaju, May 3, 2024.

  1. antoniorobertoarcaju


    Nov 15, 2023
    I created a new currency on the UGS's Economy service, whose Initial Balance is set to 100.
    I expected that as soon as a new player is created, the player's currency value is set to 100 in the Economy service database, so I can show it to the players on their respectivelly wallet view (in the game).

    But it seems, when I try to get the player's currencies from Economy service, there's no currency set.

    For now, when a new player is created, I'm increase the currency amount by 0, so the currency is added in the Economy service database with the right Initial Balance.

    What is the best practice for initializing currencies on Economy service?
    Is there a way to automatically insert the currency with its initial balance, into Economy database, when a player is created ?
    ByteflowX likes this.