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"Baking" Post-Processing Effects

Discussion in 'Formats & External Tools' started by cl9-2, Aug 11, 2014.

  1. cl9-2


    May 31, 2013

    Is there such a thing as "baking" certain post-process effects, similar to how static light mapping works? As well as something that can approximate a process like "normal map baking" (which if possible, would likely entail the creation of multiple maps). I'd ideally like to be able to save rendering time by baking as many effects into textures / maps for static objects.

    Thank you
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2014
    OfficialHermie likes this.
  2. Steve-Tack


    Mar 12, 2013
    The closet thing to that would be LUT (lookup tables). Certain types of color adjustment effects can be flattened down to a special texture rather than applied individually. Some color adjustment shaders on the asset store support that technique. I've used one called Colorful.

    But in general, no, I don't think that's possible for the juicy stuff like glows, motion blur, AA, etc, or it'd be more widespread.