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Baked emissive lighting is extremely noisy with Final Gather and extremely low-res without it

Discussion in 'Global Illumination' started by bac9-flcl, Nov 12, 2015.

  1. bac9-flcl


    Dec 5, 2012
    Images illustrate the issue nicely:

    It seems that Final Gather is not doing any smoothing of ray hits at all, which is a bit bizarre:

    In contrast, disabling Final Gather gives completely unacceptable emissive lighting resolution. It looks grabbed from Realtime GI and not influenced by Baked GI resolution at all.

    Both outcomes are pretty bad and can't go into production. So, err... how am I supposed to light a baked environment with emissive surfaces? :)
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2015
    AcidArrow likes this.
  2. AcidArrow


    May 20, 2010
    Yup, as I posted in my thread Final Gather:

    -It only does one bounce (rest are grabbed from precompute, so they are at significantly lower res), which for emmissive surfaces means no GI at all.
    -Is very slow.
    -Is very brute force-y and noisy.

    The only "solution" is to put an insane number of Final Gather rays and wait forever.
  3. bac9-flcl


    Dec 5, 2012
    Nice feature parity with Beast we have there, - I don't remember any similar issues with getting clean baked emissive lighting back in 4.x.

    I guess I'll just push realtime GI resolution if emissive lighting resolution is limited by it anyway, and drop baked emissive lighting and FG completely