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Bacon Blasters! Released into the wild! (Android)

Discussion in 'Made With Unity' started by gwarsh41, Sep 5, 2012.

  1. gwarsh41


    Aug 26, 2008

    Bacon Blasters!

    I designed Bacon Blasters as a game people could play for a few minutes and put down with no hassle. I found myself staring at a screen full of games with long load times and complex game play that demanded a time investment. I also really enjoy Bacon, pigs, and fun little arcade games.

    Currently Bacon Blasters is only on Android, I am working on a new APK for older devices as well. IOS development will start within a week. (which shouldn't take too long...) Bacon Blasters is currently free with No ads or special privileges needed. This game only exists for 2 reasons right now. To provide entertainment, and to help pass the time!

    As for the game play. The pigs will come bouncing towards you, tap the screen to pop the pigs and release the delicious bacon within. As you pop the pigs, you will gain a combo bonus, and fill up the bacon meter. Fill up the Bacon Meter and get double points, but if it runs out you lose! Avoid the bomb pigs, they will destroy all the pigs on screen wasting plenty of bacon, and taking a chunk out of your Bacon Meter.

    Last edited: Sep 5, 2012
  2. ncst


    May 28, 2011
    I tried it out, and was pleasantly surprised: it seems like a game that could be very appealing to kids if the gameplay were extended somehow. I liked the feeling of being rushed by the pigs as they bounced toward the screen, but after a few minutes I felt like I was done. Does the bacon just roll over to zero if it fills up?

    And, I appreciated that it wasn't loaded with ads/push notifications/etc.