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ARFoundation - Realtime Reflecion Probe with AR Face and Universal Render Pipeline

Discussion in 'AR' started by AlbertoVosagerau, Jun 14, 2020.

  1. AlbertoVosagerau


    Jul 4, 2015

    I'm trying to use Universal Render Pipeline with ARFoundation for AR Face.

    Today I found this issue with realtime reflection probes, that I need for my project right now.

    As far as I could find information, which wasn't very easy for me to find actually, it seems that realtime reflection probes are supported by Universal Render Pipeline, and if I create a scene with ARFoundation and Plane Detection it does work, actually, so I assumed that everything was going to be fine.

    But it turns out that if I try to use it with AR Face it renders this weird red reflection.

    I'm not trying to use Envarionment Probe, just the regular one.

    Is it not supported for AR Faces or I'm experiencing a bug and it should be working fine?

    Attached Files: