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  1. Unity 6 Preview is now available. To find out what's new, have a look at our Unity 6 Preview blog post.
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  2. Unity is excited to announce that we will be collaborating with TheXPlace for a summer game jam from June 13 - June 19. Learn more.
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Official Are you ready to JAM?? Join us - 2024 XPlace Summer Game Jam!!!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by TreyK-47, May 15, 2024.

  1. TreyK-47


    Unity Technologies

    Oct 22, 2019
    The summer is almost here and what better way to start making games with Unity than the 2024 TheXPlace Summer Game Jam!

    From June 13 - June 19, people across the world will be joining forces to create a game in one week. Unity is excited to announce that we will be collaborating with TheXPlace, a global video game professionals community, for this game jam and we invite our amazing community to make games with us!!!

    Whether it’s your first time using Unity, first time participating in a game jam, or first time even making a game - we have you covered!

    Helpful Resources to Get Started!

    Is this your first game jam? No problem! Head over to Unity Learn and check out Get Started with Game Jams tutorial. We’ll go over what a game jam is, what to expect, and tips + tricks to make the most of TheXPlace Summer Game Jam!

    A special note for students - sign up for the Unity Student Plan! As a student, you’ll gain access to free assets (including a free Odin Inspector + Validator license) and special discounts on the Unity Asset Store along with a Unity license. You can sign up here!

    Lastly, to get you inspired for your first game, check out the Unity x USC Games Unlocked course on Unity Learn! Starting to make games can be a daunting task. In collaboration with the USC Games Program, we created a course that goes over the game design process, including how to plan and even release your first game!

    Try Unity Muse free for 15 days!

    We’re also excited to bring you Unity Muse - our all-in-one subscription for AI-powered tools and capabilities to assist with creation in Unity.

    With Muse you can use natural language to create unique sprites and textures in-editor, and even chat with Muse to find answers and troubleshoot issues.

    You can try Muse for free for 15 days and keep the assets you produce and save beyond your trial.

    Learn about Unity Muse and check out our prototyping tutorial using Unity Muse here.

    Sharing your Work! ‍‍

    We’d love to see what you’ve made! Head over to the following Unity community spaces/channels and share you work!

    Head over to the Projects In Progress forum and share a link to your project. Be sure to include the XPlace tag!

    We hope you join us for The 2024 XPlace Summer Jam from June 13-June 19! You can find more information here!!!
    Last edited: May 15, 2024