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Bug Animation Rigging behavior different in built player and editor

Discussion in 'Animation' started by mattschell_ta, May 5, 2023.

  1. mattschell_ta


    Jan 2, 2022
    We're running Unity editor version 2022.2.17f1.112.12143 with Animation Rigging version 1.2.1

    We have a character on a motorbike who is completely animated via code with no keyframe animation. Everything works as intended in the editor during play mode. When we make a built player for Windows or Mac, either as normal build or development build we are getting no animation on our character. The character remains in a T pose.

    The rig is a generic rig, not humanoid.

    The animator settings are Controller: none (though we tried adding an empty controller, no luck), the avatar is assigned, apply root motion is off, update mode is normal and culling mode is "always animate"

    Is this a known issue? Any insight as to why we're seeing different behavior between the Editor and Build?

    Does animation rigging work without modifying or assigning any keyframe animation in builds?

    Thanks very much,
  2. mattschell_ta


    Jan 2, 2022
    Just a further update that we are using HDRP and notice that the required Burst version for HDRP is significantly ahead of the required version for Animation Rigging. Do we know if Animation Rigging and HDRP are verified to work together in a build between Burst 1.8.4, HDRP 14.0.7 and Animation Rigging 1.2.1?

    Who at Unity is currently maintaining Animation Rigging and keeping it in synch with new releases? We notice there hasn't been an update recently. Is this package orphaned?
  3. mattschell_ta


    Jan 2, 2022
    An update on this:

    We've also filed a bug via the bug reporter with a repro project attached. The bug is filed by joshua.vaughan, we filed it on Friday but haven't received a bug number, we'll update this thread when we do.

    We've narrowed it down to the following, although haven't found a fix.

    As before, in the editor, all works as intended.

    After making a build:

    There are a bunch of targets, the commonality is all of these are transformed with a property binding called SyncSceneToStream.

    When this goes to build the rig jobs all of these rig constraint properties are null.

    We're trying to figure out if it because of incorrect serialization, nullification or some other issue in the lifecycle of these properties.

    We spent all day instrumenting and profiling the build, digging through the code for the package and trying different things to fix. So far no luck.

    An update on this from anyone at the team at Unity would be very much appreciated. @simonbz I've seen you answering related questions, we'd be grateful for any thoughts you can share.
  4. mattschell_ta


    Jan 2, 2022
    This is resolved.

    The issue was not a problem with Unity, but due to the fact that key objects in our rig inadvertently had the Tag "EditorOnly" assigned. If someone google's and find this, check your objects to make sure that nothing has this tag assigned as this will cause your animation to play in editor, but not in the build.