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Animation Baker \ Animation Baker Pro

Discussion in 'Assets and Asset Store' started by _Silent_, Jun 1, 2014.

  1. Justice0Juic3


    Apr 29, 2013
    Thank you for your time, but after 1 day and afternoon I got it fixed. :p
    It seems that the Animation Baker refused to work on 5.5.6 or higher. I did multiple tests and came across 5.5.0 at last.
    This version is the only version where it works properly (meaning that below 5.5.0 will also work).

    I'm glad I got it sorted.
  2. Justice0Juic3


    Apr 29, 2013
    Noticed it didn't work on 2017 and higher. It even crashes the editor sometimes when you press Start recording.
  3. Captain-Cutwood


    Feb 18, 2015
    I just came across this product in the Store, and the video demo is very (very) interesting for being able to capture custom animation. So have not experimented with it yet - HOWEVER, with other software I have learned that you may have to work with an older version of Unity, but then the output may actually work when moved over to a higher version of Unity such a 2017 or 2018. For example, I have some terrain tools that work very well to create what I need for a project, but they won't create the assets if the tool is imported to a higher version of Unity. But the output terrains can be moved and are fine. So create with an older version - then move and test the output in the latest version of Unity. Where an asset is made is possibly not as important as where it's output is used in a game.

    Just a suggestion, but I think it might work to get the animation recorded that you want and then use it over in Unity 2017 or higher. Will be doing this myself here, but hope this suggestion might help you or others.

    I really like the clear and understandable demo video for this product at this point. Well done, and there are so many other products that just are not productive without a lot of mind bending study - whereas SMC looks like something that can have a short learning curve. If so, awesome.!