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alternatives to Mixamo that don't suck?

Discussion in 'Assets and Asset Store' started by JoeStrout, Feb 14, 2016.

  1. JoeStrout


    Jan 14, 2011
    So I'm looking for a fairly specific animation (human figures playing cards). I didn't find anything in the Asset Store, so I went over to Entered "Cards" in the search field; several animations came up; and when I click on one, it takes me to a page that says "Oopsies!" with a picture of some weird guy humping the floor.

    OK, so they have a bug on their site; I figure it probably had to do with not being logged in. So I try to log in. Login not recognized. But hey, it's an Adobe login page now. OK, tried Adobe login. That didn't work either; used the password reset form. Got the email, reset my Adobe password. Now it asks me to link my old Mixamo account. Did that. It didn't take me back to Mixamo, so I went back myself, logged in with my shiny new password. Entered "Cards" in the search field. Got results. Clicked one and... floor-humper again.

    Yeah, I'm frustrated.

    But I'm a nice guy, so I went looking for a "Help" or "Feedback" or "Contact Us" link, and... there isn't one. Oh, I can browse their blog and their Knowledge Base and even participate in their forums if I want to jump through a bunch more hoops, but if I just want to say, "Hey, your site is broken and you're losing business," they apparently don't want to hear it.

    So. Is there any good clearinghouse for Mecanim animations that doesn't suck?
  2. Teila


    Jan 13, 2013
    That is odd, Joe!

    I just tried it and came up with some nice card animations.

    Try going there after logging in.

    I have never gotten that picture before or anything like it..or even an Oopsie page when searching so makes me wonder if you were actually at the mixamo page.

    You might want to go in and change all your adobe passwords just in case.
  3. JoeStrout


    Jan 14, 2011
    Thanks for checking, Teila. I went back later and it worked fine. Whatever the problem was, I guess it was transient.

    Still a bit miffed that they don't provide any easy way to actually contact someone, even to report a problem... but I'll get over it. :)
  4. theANMATOR2b


    Jul 12, 2014
    Common results when encountering issues with Adobe products.