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Adventure Creator - Make 3D adventure games (DEMO, VIDEO, WEBSITE)

Discussion in 'Assets and Asset Store' started by ChrisIceBox, Oct 9, 2013.

  1. vovin999


    May 13, 2015
    Hi Chris!
    I want to thank you for this great asset! It has been a godsend for my project.

    I have a slight problem that I would like to address however. Since I upgraded to Unity 5, when I run the 2D demo the bird flying up the tree is looping over and over again. Do you have a workaround for this? It obviously doesn't matter too much since this is a demo, but I am fearful that it could be a symptom that could cause me problems further down the line.
    Is this animation looping something you are aware of, and if so how do I solve it? The problem didn't exist when I was using unity 4.*.

    Thank you for a great asset!
  2. ChrisIceBox


    Sep 16, 2013
    There was some slowdown last week on the forum, but that's all I've been aware of. The site hasn't gone down to my knowledge.
  3. ChrisIceBox


    Sep 16, 2013
    Have you upgraded to the latest version of AC? Since 1.44, AC now has two separate packages that get submitted to Unity, so that users of 4 get a different version to users of 5. Please check that you've downloaded the Unity 5 version. If the issue still persists, please let me know. This is happening during the intro?
  4. ChrisIceBox


    Sep 16, 2013
    A stupid but critical error was reported today, so v1.45a is now out. The urgency of this bug meant I couldn't wait for the other reported issues to be included, unfortunately, so they'll be in the next update:
    • Fixed: Conversation Inspector not showing all fields
  5. mensch-mueller


    Nov 25, 2014
    Great Asset! Watched at your asset for a long time and picked it up now as it was on sale!
    Trying to do the 3D-Tutorial(Evil Lair) and had some issues:
    It seemed to do not accept the navmesh! I can walk the player everywhere until it hits an collider!
    And now i had problems with Character - Move to point action in ActionList Editor(54.00 on movie). I tried for a while and had to restart until it works! (Yes, I uncheck pathfind!)

    Another question:
    Will it work with Cardboard SDK and the interaction methods needed(interaction with something looking at it for specified time)? Or is a template in the works?

    Thanks Michael

    OSX 10.9.5 AdventureCreator 1.45a
  6. ChrisIceBox


    Sep 16, 2013
    I can't be too specific with my help without knowing what you've done already, but broadly speaking you'll need to do the following to recreate the tutorial:
    • Set the Pathfinding method in the Scene Manager to Mesh Collider
    • Create a new NavMesh object from the Scene Manager, and assign the appropriate mesh asset into the two Mesh fields on that prefab
    • Register your new NavMesh object as the Default, at the top of the Scene Manager
    • (If you need to) rotate the NavMesh object so that it fits the scene
    When you run your game, the NavMesh object should automatically be moved to the NavMesh layer (which should already exist).

    You mean VR? It's still early days for that, but it would be very simple to write a custom script that triggers interactions manually. All you need to do to run an Interaction is call it's Interact() function.
  7. mensch-mueller


    Nov 25, 2014
    So I done all that:

    • Set the Pathfinding method in the Scene Manager to Mesh Collider
    • Create a new NavMesh object from the Scene Manager, and assign the appropriate mesh asset into the two Mesh fields on that prefab
    • Register your new NavMesh object as the Default, at the top of the Scene Manager
    • (If you need to) rotate the NavMesh object so that it fits the scene
    but the NavMesh is not assigned to the the NavMesh layer. I looked at the Inspector and Tag is Untagged and Layer is Ignore Raycast. And I cannot assign NavMesh Layer manually. In Projekt Settings -> Tags & Layers, I have the Layer 8 = NavMesh.
    There is something wrong.

    Edit Unity is 5.0.1f1
    So NavMesh sits correctly in scene, assigned as Default NavMesh in Game Editor, all the NavMeshes i tried out sit in Scene Hierarchy _Navigation ->_NavMesh and the created NavMesh File had the corresponding Navigatin Mesh (Script)-File and all have their MeshCollider andMesh assigned to the correspondingg Mesh. I even tried out a saved .obj and assigning to NavMesh layer. Restarted. Nothing. NavMesh is not working...
    Last edited: May 19, 2015
  8. ChrisIceBox


    Sep 16, 2013
    I'm sorry you're having this trouble, but there must be something minor that I'm not seeing. First of all, I'd suggest you remove all the other "failed" NavMeshes from your scene, so that we're sure they aren't conflicting. Second, the NavMesh will only work if it's on the NavMesh layer. If it exists, it should be placed on it automatically when the scene begins - why do you say you can't assign it to the NavMesh layer manually?

    One thing to try out is the demo game - if you load up the 3D Demo Managers (from the top toolbar) and run the Basement scene (AdventureCreator / Demo / Scenes / Basement), does that run properly? That uses the same technique for it's pathfinding.

    Failing that, post some screenshots of what you've got so far, that would help me to work out what's wrong. Or, you can PM me the scene file (just the scene file's needed, if you're following the tutorial).
  9. mensch-mueller


    Nov 25, 2014
    Hi Chris!

    Wanted to response to your message on Unity forum about my problems with Navigation Mesh, but can´t figure out how to upload images or files, so i sent you a pm.

    Thank you for your efforts and your great asset!
  10. Alex-3D


    May 21, 2013
    Very powerfull asset!
    I have some questions.
    1. Installing AC rewrites Project Settings. Is there a way to avoid this? Exclude Demo from installation?
    2. Is there ability to show some predefined picture(s) while loading next scene?
    Last edited: May 26, 2015
  11. TonyLi


    Apr 10, 2012
    I've had to deal with the same issue on a project that uses UFPS and AC. Both are "Complete Projects," so they both include (conflicting) InputManager assets.

    When importing AC, scroll down to the bottom of the import window and untick ProjectSettings/InputManager.asset. You may also want to untick the other project settings assets if they have settings you want to keep. Then, after importing, manually add AC's required input settings as described in the AC manual. I imported a full copy of AC into a temporary project and viewed the Input Manager settings in one window so I could see what to copy into my real project in another window.

    @ChrisIceBox - It would be great if AC's Game Editor window provided a button to automatically add the necessary input definitions. Leslie Young (plyGame) wrote a good article on doing this: Manipulating the Input Manager in Script.
  12. ChrisIceBox


    Sep 16, 2013
    Thanks @TonyLi, I had no idea that was possible! When importing both AC with another asset, I'd definitely recommend installing AC first, and then the other - so that the other asset takes priority in terms of inputs etc. The changes AC needs so far as Layers, Inputs etc go are actually quite few now, and it's easy to do manually.

    The 2D Demo folder can be excluded completely if you wish, but the 3D Demo contains assets for the default Menu system, which means you'll need to import that.

    Yes - in the Settings Manager, you can opt to rely on a "Loading scene", which will be loaded automatically in between any of your "proper" scenes.
  13. Mark_T


    Apr 25, 2011
    This is my first post in your thread. Have to say that I`m really impressed by the kit, documentation and tutorials. I`m seriously thinking to purchase it, but because I`m not a programmer I have to ask you one question: how hard it`ll be to armonise/integrate/link your kit with TowerDefense ToolKit v3.0? I need to add some story background to my tower defense game. After seeing some of the youtube tutorials and reading the forums I was even thinking to develop the story.

    Thanks in advance for your answer.
  14. ChrisIceBox


    Sep 16, 2013
    My aim going forward is certainly to make it easier to integrate AC with other game types, but the difficulty depends on how much the two overlap: if you keep your story elements (i.e. Adventure Creator parts) in separate scenes to your gameplay, then all you have to do is call up the scenes as appropriate.

    If you want to make use of Adventure Creator in the same scene, but at different times (e.g "Story bit" / "Gameplay bit") then you can use AC's Engine: Manage systems Action to disable any/all of AC's various systems, such as movement and interactions. If you are disabling all, then that's also simple: you can turn them all off and then use Playmaker's ability to send messages to run "Interact" on another such Action that turns them all back on.

    Going more complex would be to have the two overlap - e.g. make use of AC's Menus during gameplay. Again, Engine: Manage systems can be used to disable sections selectively, but the specifics / method obviously vary from game to game, so you may or may not have to resort to some custom coding to get everything working right.

    The most complex would be to have AC manage your save games as well. AC can save adventure-related data easily enough, as the tutorials you may have watched demonstrate. However, it's also possible to include custom data within AC's save game files - but this would definitely need custom scripting. A couple of tutorials can be found on the subject can be found here and here.
  15. Mark_T


    Apr 25, 2011
    From my little knowledge playing with Playmaker, I suppose that saving the global variables will be enough for a minimal integration. The amount of freedom I have, by not being a programmer, is not that much, but I`ll have to try and see by myself what I can come up with.
    Many thanks for your fast and extensive answer.
  16. Alex-3D


    May 21, 2013
    Thanks for the answers!
    I have new question.
    Does there exist C# api description, at least for the most common actions such as Change Camera, Show Menu, Run Action, Run ActionList and so on, for using it in outer C# scripts?
    It is clear that I can look in the code, but the author's choice would be preferable!
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2015
  17. ChrisIceBox


    Sep 16, 2013
    I don't know what you're asking - you mean is there an explanation as to how they work?

    In the Scripts/ActionList director, there's a file called ActionTemplate.cs, which includes a lot of comments on how each function is used. There's also a series of tutorials on custom actions starting here.
  18. TonyLi


    Apr 10, 2012
    Alex 3D may be referring to an API reference for Adventure Creator's source code, perhaps generated by a tool like Doxygen. (Jacob Pennock has a nice Unity plugin to do this.) It's handy to look up what public methods are available in a class and to see inheritance diagrams.
  19. ChrisIceBox


    Sep 16, 2013
    v1.46 is out, and with it, a new video tutorial:

    Upgrade notes
    • Options data has been reset
    • To prevent 2D Characters from sliding with default values, acceleration and deceleration values are now more sensitive
    • “Drag cursor with touch?” option is removed for First Person games controlled with Touch Screen
    • Menu transition movement type “Overshoot” has been replaced with “Custom Curve”
    • Button menu elements now make use of word-wrapping
    • The maximum number of save files is now set in the Settings Manager, not in a SavesList menu element

    Save profiles
    • Added: Option in Settings Manager to enable save game profiles - each profile will have it's own save game files and options data
    • Added: “Profiles” menu to 3D Demo’s MenuManager - a simple interface to create, switch and delete save profiles.
    • Added: ProfilesList menu element - use to display a list of save profiles present in your game
    • Added: "Save: Manage profiles" Action - use to create, rename and delete save game profiles
    • Added: Ability for a Label menu element to display the name of the active save profile

    Saving and loading
    • Added: "Save: Save or load" Action - use to manually save, load or continue a game
    • Added: "Save: Manage saves" Action - use to rename and delete existing save files
    • Added: "Save: Check” Action - use to query the number of saves or profiles created, or if saving is currently possible
    • Added: Option to not perform the actual saving/loading when the user clicks on a save file, so that it's functionality can be overridden
    • Added: Option to exclude the 'New save' slot from save game lists
    • Added: Option to list save game files in order of update time
    • Added: SavesList menu elements can now be offset, if the number of save files exceeds the slot limit
    • Changed: The maximum number of save files is now set in the Settings Manager, not in a SavesList menu element
    • Fixed: Save button in Pause menu rarely being hidden when saving is still possible
    • Fixed: SavesList elements not obeying the "Time display" setting when the game is not running
    • Fixed: Inability to save option-linked variables on iOS
    • Fixed: Errors when multiple Remember scripts are placed on the same object when working on iOS

    • Added: "Menu: Set Input Box text" Action - use to set the contents of an Input menu element
    • Added: "Menu: Check num slots" Action - use the query the number of slots on a given Menu Element
    • Added: Ability to change the mouse cursor when over Button and DialogList menu elements (per-element setting)
    • Added: Ability to control Menu transition speeds with Animation Curves
    • Added: Ability to re-order Menus and Elements to top and bottom of Menu Manager
    • Added: Option in Menu Manager to scale Menu text effects (shadows / outlines) with screen resolution
    • Added: Ability to run an ActionList when a Toggle or Cycle menu element is clicked
    • Added: The "Variable: Set" Action can now be used to set a string Variable's value from any Menu element, not just Input elements
    • Changed: The Menu button element Click type option "Offset Inventory Or Dialogue" has been renamed to "Offset Element Slot"
    • Changed: Menu transition movement type “Overshoot” has been replaced with “Custom Curve”
    • Changed: Button menu elements now make use of word-wrapping
    • Fixed: Active 'pause' Menus sometimes re-pausing game before all unfreezing ActionList assets have finished running
    • Fixed: UI-based Menus not updating during transitions if their AC equivalent has a “Transition type” of “None”
    • Fixed: Scaling issues with default Unity UI prefabs
    • Fixed: Multi-slot menu elements linked to Unity UI showing when set to be invisible
    • Fixed: ActionLists set to run when a Menu is closed firing multiple times
    • Fixed: Menu Button click textures being drawn underneath main texture
    • Fixed: Menus that pan into the game window being drawn on top of aspect-ratio borders

    • Added: Option in Scene Manager to organise room objects without or without creating scene folders
    • Added: When the game is running, Trigger and Hotspot Inspectors will display a message if they are currently turned off
    • Changed: If a PlayerStart has no “Camera on start” defined, the Scene Manager’s “Default Camera” will be used instead
    • Changed: When organising a new scene, the Scene Manager will attempt to convert existing MainCamera to an AC one
    • Fixed: Typo in Settings Manager - “Disallow Interactions if cursor is unlocked?” is now “if cursor is locked?”
    • Fixed: ActionList assets breaking when you undo the deletion of an Action
    • Fixed: Pathfinding warnings in Scene Manager sometimes showing inappropriately if the Settings Manager asset file is replaced

    • Added: Experimental option to attempt super-accurate movement, if “Destination accuracy” is turned all the way up to 1
    • Changed: To prevent 2D Characters from sliding with default values, acceleration and deceleration values are now more sensitive
    • Fixed: Animation issues with Mecanim characters when turning and talking at the same time
    • Fixed: Animation issues when using root motion with Point And Click movement
    • Fixed: Rare issue when restarting a game with multiple Player prefabs
    • Fixed: Inventory of an overriding Player prefab not being shared with main Player prefab if Player switching is disallowed

    • Added: Ability to define an integer parameter when running an ActionList from a Button menu elements
    • Added: Ability to send the clicked slot number as a parameter when running an ActionList from a SavesList menu element
    • Added: “ActionList: Check parameter” Action - use to check the value of a parameter defined in the parent ActionList

    • Added: Option to limit a Hotspot’s interactivity to a specific camera’s view
    • Added: Option to Hotspots for double-clicking to trigger Interactions instantly (Context Sensitive and single-Use Hotspots only)
    • Added: Ability to only display Hotspot icons when FlashHotspots input button is pressed
    • Added: Ability to hide Hotspot icons when an Interaction Menu is visible
    • Added: Warning messages to Detect Hotspots component if it’s expected components are not found
    • Added: Ability to cycle backwards through cursors in “Cycling Cursor And Clicking Hotspot” mode with CycleCursorsBack button
    • Fixed: Rare cursor issues when disabling Hotspot Interactions
    • Fixed: Interaction Menus not working if not positioned directly over the Hotspot they refer to
    • Fixed: Issue with using Inventory interactions on Hotspots in rare circumstances

    Speech and language
    • Added: Option to end background speech audio once non-background speech audio plays
    • Added: Improved feedback if importing a translation fails
    • Added: If no text is listed in the Speech Manager, the button to create a new translation will be replaced by a message box with instructions
    • Added: Ability to define a per-character text scroll sound
    • Fixed: Lipsync issues with Characters animated with Sprites Unity Complex
    • Fixed: “Dialogue: Start conversation” Actions breaking connections if used to override defaults when used in an ActionList

    First person
    • Added: Option in First Person games to not enforce first-person camera during Conversations
    • Changed: “Drag cursor with touch?” option is removed for First Person games controlled with Touch Screen
    • Fixed: Direct and First Person-control Players not always stopping when a Conversation begins

    2D games
    • Fixed: If a Sorting Map is set to affect Sorting Layers, the layer names are now shown in the Scene Window
    • Fixed: Bottom-most point in a SortingMap changing ever-so-slightly when moving the mouse in the Scene Window
    • Fixed: Parallax2D component not working for games that use a perspective GameCamera2D
    • Fixed: If a Parallax 2D component is not locked in a particular direction, it can not be moved manually while the game is running

    • Added: Ability to set a collision offset distance to Third Person GameCameras
    • Added: The transition time in the Camera: Switch Action can now be set by a parameter
    • Fixed: Hotspots being selectable in the wrong camera when split-screen is enabled
    • Fixed: Custom fade textures assigned in “Camera: Fade” Action no longer having an effect
    • Fixed: Creating a split-screen effect not automatically disabling the previous one first
    • Fixed: A GameCamera2D not moving vertically correctly if it is rotation to look down the negative-Z axis
    • Fixed: Console errors if the MainCamera has no “LookAt child” assigned

    • Added: Engine: Check platform - queries the current platform to assist in platform-specific content
    • Added: Ability to replace one Inventory item with another using “Inventory: Add or remove” Action
    • Added: Ability to replace one scene object with another using “Object: Add or remove” Action
    • Added: Ability to replace one NavMesh hole with another using “Engine: Change scene setting” Action
    • Fixed: Issues when using Adventure Creator in conjunction with some assets with conflicting script names
    • Fixed: “Engine: End game” Action not showing the option to restart a scene by scene name or number
    • Fixed: Error when switching to a loading screen if a Sound object set to “Play across scenes” is present
    • Fixed: Room data not being restored when a scene is loaded due to switching Player prefab
    • Fixed: ActionLists running forever if an Action’s “After running” option is set to “Run Cutscene”, but no Cutscene is supplied

    As ever, back up your projects!
  20. Alex-3D


    May 21, 2013
    As I understood, some specific demo is a part of the Engine? It is wrong decision. You should better provide the Engine itself (for developers) also.
    Until I'm copying our 20gb project from backup again and again, I want to ask a question. What items of Update should be excluded from it to avoid rewriting of current project setting but to save all new features? Is it the whole ProjectSettings folder?
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2015
  21. ChrisIceBox


    Sep 16, 2013
    You'll only need the demo assets when using the New Game Wizard. Once you've set up your game for the first time, with your own set of managers, you no longer need them.

    You can safely exclude the ProjectSettings from an update import, yes.
  22. Alex-3D


    May 21, 2013
    I created some game journal similar Diary from Tuturials. Is there a way to show page with specific number when this menu is enabled, not only first or last opened in the session one?
  23. ChrisIceBox


    Sep 16, 2013
    A custom action would be able to do this easily. You just need to access the MenuJournal class, and set its "showPage" integer. e.g. if your journal is called "MyJournal", and it's in a menu called "JournalMenu", you can set it with:

    MenuElement myElement AC.PlayerMenus.FindElementWithName ("JournalMenu", "MyJournal");
    MenuJournal myJournal = (MenuJournal) myElement;
    myJournal.showPage = 3;

    A tutorial on custom actions can be found here.
  24. Alex-3D


    May 21, 2013
    Excellent! Thanks!
    One more question. Is it possible to use replacement tokens like [var:0] in the journal's page text? I tried and token was not replaced. It should be noted that the page with this text was added by Action Menu:ChangeState:AddJournalPage.
  25. ChrisIceBox


    Sep 16, 2013
    No, but that's a good suggestion - I'll see if that can be added in an update.
  26. Johnny-Photon


    Sep 4, 2011

    We purchased Adventure Creator about a month or two ago and we have been having a lot of fun with it. I have a question for you. I tried to set up an on screen button with the text "Skip" on it to skip a cut scene. I wasn't able to get it to work and now I suspect the system ignores any mouse clicks during the cut scene. Is this correct? Is there any way to do this?

    The cut scene consists of a camera fly around the set followed by a transition with an ease out to a third person camera to start the game. I was able to assign an "s" key to skip the cut scene but when the game starts, the camera is in some kind of race condition where it is moving back and forth toward the character in a nausea inducing pattern until I arrow it up or walk the character away. Any thoughts on this? It only happens if I skip the scene.

  27. ChrisIceBox


    Sep 16, 2013
    That's correct. You have a couple of options:
    1. Convert your AC Menu to Unity UI - the click handling is then handled by Unity, so should still work regardless of the game state. You can read a tutorial about Unity UI here.
    2. Play your cutscenes during regular gameplay, and disable player control manually. You can do this by setting the "When running" field in an ActionList's Inspector to "Run In Background", and then using the "Engine: Manage systems" Action to disable player movement and interactions.

    I would need to see screenshots or a video of it in motion. Where specifically is the camera moving to and from? The first camera's position, or a point on a wall collider?
  28. Johnny-Photon


    Sep 4, 2011
    Thanks for your suggestions. I tried #1 and didn't get it to work but I will come back to it. Right now it's not a big deal, I was mostly thinking about how people would skip when they were on a tablet. #2 looks pretty easy and I may look at that.

    As for the other problem, yeah, I realized I didn't give you much to go on. I did find something out though. I was running the debugger on the third person camera script and realized it seemed to be detecting a collision. I had not placed my player character on the ignore raycast layer as you instructed (my bad). I put the player in there and the oscillations stopped.

    However, I did notice something else. When I let the cut scene run, the main camera angles were always zeroed out at the end of the cut scene. If I skip the cut scene, the angle would be non zero. What is happening is the initial rotation of the third person camera will influence the rotation of the main camera if you skip the cut scene. I thought it should be in tpCam.ResetRotation (); but even forcing it there did not have the results I was hoping for.

    As I said, not a big deal but I thought you would want to know about it.
  29. ChrisIceBox


    Sep 16, 2013
    Thanks for the alert, but I'm still not following too well. Could you provide a list of simple steps to re-create the issue?
  30. Johnny-Photon


    Sep 4, 2011
    Yes it's pretty easy. I'll use the evil lair tutorial. Create a third person camera, just leave it at the origin but tilt the X rotation 30 degrees. Then in the opening cut scene, transition to the third person camera instead of the nav cam.

    It doesn't matter whether you skip the cut scene or not, after switching to the TPcam it is rotated 30 degrees in the Z.It's not even the X so something is strange.

    In this case if you do not rotate the camera it solves the issue. For some reason in my scene, even though the camera isn't rotated it's still at an odd angle if I skip the cut scene.

    The problem is just that the rotation values are not being calculated for the TPcam upon switching.

    Chris, I've watched so many of your great tutorials. I realized I now hear your voice when I read your posts!
  31. ChrisIceBox


    Sep 16, 2013
    Thanks for the details - I'll look into it.
  32. Johnny-Photon


    Sep 4, 2011
    Has anyone created an on-screen menu to control a third person camera?

    I'm trying to avoid using the keyboard just to navigate around a scene.

    I created a menu with a button called upbutton. I set the click type to Simulate Input. Simulate is Axis and Input Axis is Vertical. The input value is 1.

    Nothing happens when I push the button. If I set the click type to "run action list" and have a test action list where the player says "You pushed the button" it works, so I know the button is working.
  33. ChrisIceBox


    Sep 16, 2013
    Simulated input doesn't work with the Third Person GameCamera as of now, but I'll will correct this in the next update.
  34. Alex-3D


    May 21, 2013
    Can we simply disable GameCamera or at least prevent it from moving while it isn't attached to the MainCamera? We have several follow GameCameras in different places of the scene and each of them must start moving only after it is attached to MainCamera and Player is teleported close to this camera, otherwise there are problems with it's position relatively to Player.
  35. ChrisIceBox


    Sep 16, 2013
    So long as you have Use default PlayerStart? checked in the GameCamera's Inspector, then it will always be in the same spot for a given Player position, regardless of where the Player was before it - so moving it or not when inactive will make no difference. You should just need to adjust the Inspector values while the game is running, then paste them in when you stop. If you want, you can use your own camera script, and reference it with AC's fields just by adding the "_Camera" component to it as well.
  36. Alex-3D


    May 21, 2013
    Well, is seems than Use Default Player Start? don't help in our situation. But we are unlikely to give up this the best follow camera. I'll better write CustomAction to set/reset GameObject.Active for these cameras.

    I've tried Salsa3D together with AC. Silence in audio as a result, but without Salsa3D all worked.
    I propose to make the following changes to the Speech.cs code

    AudioClip clipObj = Resources.Load (fullFilename) as AudioClip;
    if (clipObj)
    AudioSource audioSource = null;

    bool speakSalsa = false;

    if (_speaker != null)
    if (!_noAnimation)
    if (KickStarter.speechManager.lipSyncMode == LipSyncMode.FaceFX)
    FaceFXIntegration.Play (speaker, log.speakerName + lineID, clipObj);
    #if SalsaIsPresent
    CrazyMinnow.SALSA.Salsa3D salsa = null;
    salsa = _speaker.GetComponent<CrazyMinnow.SALSA.Salsa3D>();
    if (salsa) {
    speakSalsa = true;


    if (_speaker.GetComponent <AudioSource>())
    _speaker.GetComponent<AudioSource>().volume = Options.optionsData.speechVolume;
    audioSource = _speaker.GetComponent <AudioSource>();
    Debug.LogWarning ( + " has no audio source component!");
    else if (KickStarter.player && KickStarter.player.GetComponent <AudioSource>())
    KickStarter.player.GetComponent<AudioSource>().volume = Options.optionsData.speechVolume;
    audioSource = KickStarter.player.GetComponent <AudioSource>();
    audioSource = KickStarter.dialog.GetDefaultAudioSource ();

    if (!speakSalsa)
    if (audioSource != null)
    audioSource.clip = clipObj;
    audioSource.loop = false;
    hasAudio = true;

    displayDuration = clipObj.length;

    Or something like that. This will automatically load necessary audiofiles in Salsa, play them and play lip-sync animations by all the same single Action.Dialogue.PlaySpeech action.
  37. ChrisIceBox


    Sep 16, 2013
    Salsa 3D ought to work without the "SalsaIsPresent" define - the integration is intended for Salsa 2D, which does need additional code to bridge with AC. I'll look into this problem, though.
  38. Alex-3D


    May 21, 2013
    The main idea is to make them work together and automatically load necessary audiofiles from AC into Salsa3D. I've used define symbol SalsaIsPresent only becouse it already "exists" and fits by meaning.

    Our project is for mobil devices. DoubleClickToMove option is set. I've noted that it needs very quick double click, and sometimes double click don't work at all. I see in PlayerInput.cs code

    if (doubleClickTime > 0f)
    doubleClickTime -= 4f * GetDeltaTime();

    This decreases real time interval for second click from 0.3 - 1.0 sec (your initial values) to 0.08 - 0.25 sec after first one. It's too little time for touchscreen and finger! I propose to delete this coef (4f) or to make it setupable.
  39. ChrisIceBox


    Sep 16, 2013
    I understood that fine. But it used to be that Salsa 3D worked with AC without any code to bridge the two together. I am investigating why this has changed, and will take steps accordingly.

    The 4f factor isn't important - instead it's doubleClickDelay, which is what doubleClickTime is set to when you double-click. The value of doubleClickDelay is public, and available in the script's Inspector on the GameEngine prefab.
  40. TonyLi


    Apr 10, 2012
    I just mentioned this on the AC forum, but I thought I'd add it here, too: Love/Hate now has Adventure Creator integration. It comes with a bunch of AC actions for reporting deeds, checking and changing relationship values, and more, and remember scripts for Love/Hate data. It's a nice way to keep track of dynamic relationships and emotional states in your adventure games.
    ImpossibleRobert likes this.
  41. ChrisIceBox


    Sep 16, 2013
    Thanks, Tony!

    This is due to a bug with the present version of Salsa, which the developers are issuing a fix for. It occurs if the Salsa3D Inspector is open - simply collapse the Salsa3D component, and audio should once again be able to play.
  42. Alex-3D


    May 21, 2013
  43. TheNorthridge


    Jan 4, 2012
    Hi Chris,

    Just wondering, are you planning on supporting New 3DS with Adventure Creator, now that it supports Unity 5?

    Just curious!
  44. ChrisIceBox


    Sep 16, 2013
    Once Unity's scripting guide is updated with info on how to build for the 3DS, I'll take a look at it.
    TheNorthridge likes this.
  45. ChrisIceBox


    Sep 16, 2013
    Version 1.47 - Scripting guide, tint maps, new movement options

    Scripting guide
    As AC's scope becomes wider, it's clear that there's becoming a greater need for coders to be able to integrate their own scripts / assets with AC. This update introduces the Scripting guide, which provides a breakdown of all of AC's classes, public functions and public variables. A link to this guide is also provided in AC's top toolbar within Unity.

    Some users, particularly those coming from an AGS background, have also expressed an interest in being more easily able to hand-code Interactions. So, new functions have been added, and a full tutorial that covers the conversion of one of the Demo game's Interactions into a script can be found here.

    Tint maps

    Sprites in Unity 2D games can now be tinted according to their position in a scene, allowing for some nice lighting effects without the need for custom shaders or sprite lighting assets. A tutorial on using them can be found here.

    Facial expressions
    This one's for Mecanim characters and those that speak using portrait graphics: expressions can now be defined within a character's Inpector, and they can be called upon using tokens within their speech lines - allowing for portrait-switching (or a Mecanim integer parameter) to change midway through talking. Again, a tutorial on this feature can be found here.

    New movement options
    Nothing major, but there's a fair few new options to be found - based on your chosen Movement method. See the changelog below for the full list, but the main additions are improved 1st-person movement on mobile devices, and the ability to only move 2D characters when they change animation frame (equivalent to AGS's "anti-glide mode").

    Variable presets
    A very useful feature when testing - now you can define preset values for all your Global and Local variables, and bulk-assign them at any time.

    Full changelog follows..

    Upgrade notes
    • The “Scrolling subtitle text” option in Speech Manager has been split into separate speech and narration options
    • Interaction icons can no longer by clicked with the right-mouse button
    • Mecanim characters no longer have a “Rely on root motion?” checkbox - this is inferred by the Animator
    • PlayerMenus.RecalculateAll () is no longer a static function
    • The InventoryBox menu element type “Hostpot Based” has been renamed to the correct “Hotspot Based”

    • Added: Scripting guide - get descriptions of all public AC functions and variables at
    • Added: New script functions to easily enter and exit a cutscene through script
    • Fixed: KickStarter script’s TurnOffAC () function not completely disabling Adventure Creator

    • Added: Ability to mark an Action as a breakpoint, which causes the game to pause just before the Action is run (Editor only)
    • Added: Text entered in the “ActionList: Comment” Action can now span multiple lines

    Tint maps
    • Added: Tint maps - Sprites used in Unity 2D games can have their colours tinted based on their position in a scene, see section 8.9 of the manual.
    • Added: “Object: Change Tint map” Action - use to change which Tint map a FollowTintMap component follows, or the intensity that it is affected by it
    • Added: “Engine: Change scene setting” Action can be used to change the scene’s Tint map
    • Added: “Remember Visibility” component can be used to record changes made using the “Object: Change Tint map” Action

    • Added: Variable presets - Global and Local Variables can be given preset values that can be assigned in bulk at any time
    • Added: “Variable: Assign preset” Action - use to assign all Global or Local Variables to preset values
    • Added: Variable tokens can now be used in Journal menu elements

    • Added: “Minimum run distance” field to all character’s Movement settings - use to ease character speed as they near their destination
    • Added: Ability to only move 2D characters when the sprite changes (equivalent to AGS’ “anti-glide” mode)
    • Added: Ability to override the global “Vertical movement factor” setting per-scene, used in 2D games to reduce vertical move speed
    • Added: Ability to control touch screen first-person games by using one touch to look, two touches to move
    • Added: Option for Sprites Unity Complex characters to slow movement when they near 2D wall colliders
    • Added: Ability to turn Player instantly when moving with Direct control - works well for 2D games
    • Added: “Input magnitude affects speed?” option for Direct control now affects tank-turning as well, allowing for smooth rotations
    • Added: Option to use tank-turning with First Person movement - useful for keyboard-only first-person games
    • Changed: The “Touch-drag affects” field in Settings Manager for first-person games has been changed to “First person movement”
    • Changed: Mecanim characters no longer have a “Rely on root motion?” checkbox - this is inferred by the Animator
    • Fixed: Characters not always stopping when told to if “Experimental super-accurate” destination accuracy is enabled

    • Added: Section to Manual explaining how to convert the MainCamera to work with VR projects
    • Added: GameCamera Third Person’s pitch and spin axes can now be simulated
    • Added: “Camera: Rotate third-person” Action - use to rotate a GameGamera Third Person to a fixed angle
    • Added: “Camera: Shake” Action’s fields can now be parameterised
    • Fixed: Roll rotations assigned to GameCamera Third-Person being incorrect
    • Fixed: “Camera: Shake” Action not being skippable
    • Fixed: “Overlay current screen” option in “Engine: Change scene” Action no longer working

    • Added: Option to set a MenuJournal’s first open page to the one being previewed in it’s properties panel
    • Fixed: Menu text effects not always being correct colour if rich text is used
    • Fixed: Unity UI-based Menus set to Appear At Cursor And Freeze not being correctly positioned at some resolutions
    • Fixed: Error when saving a game that has no manually-controlled Menus
    • Fixed: Menus set to appear “On Interaction” not being able to pause gameplay
    • Fixed: Error when using Menu text effects on an empty label

    • Added: “Hotspot: Check interaction enabled” Action - use to determine if any Hotspot’s interaction is enabled
    • Changed: Interaction icons can no longer by clicked with the right-mouse button
    • Fixed: Rare issue with interaction icons not running their Interactions when clicked
    • Fixed: Rare issue with interaction icons being displayed inappropriately
    • Fixed: Rare issues with Touch Screen interactions

    • Added: Facial expressions - character portraits and an integer Mecanim parameter can be changed on the fly using speech tokens
    • Added: Ability to limit Menus that appear “When Speech Plays” to either normal or background speech only
    • Changed: The “Scrolling subtitle text” option in Speech Manager has been split into separate speech and narration options
    • Fixed: Overriding Conversations not always running if a non-overriding Conversation was run beforehand
    • Fixed: Asset-based “Dialogue: Start Conversation” Action not being able to override a scene-based Conversation
    • Fixed: Subtitle scrolling speeds varying with frame-rates

    • Added: An inventory item’s properties box now lists any inventory items that make reference to it with their own combine interactions
    • Added: Option for InventoryBox elements of type “Hotspot Based” to only list items referenced in the Hotspot’s interactions (enabled by default)
    • Added: Ability to run a specific ActionList that runs when a Recipe is completed, regardless of whether or not the Player clicks on the resulting item
    • Fixed: Inventory item names showing in Hotspot label when hovering over an InventoryBox that displays text only
    • Fixed: “Active texture” property of Inventory items not always showing in Inventory Manager based on chosen inventory settings
    • Fixed: Game freezing if a crafting recipe has no ingredients defined
    • Fixed: The InventoryBox menu element type “Hostpot Based” has been renamed to the correct “Hotspot Based”
    • Fixed: Various issues with InventoryBox menu elements of type “Hotspot Based”
    • Fixed: InventoryBox elements not updating properly if they are visible when switching to a new Player prefab mid-game

    • Added: Draggable and PickUp objects can now reduce the player’s movement speed when manipulated
    • Fixed: Errors with “Disable free-aim when dragging?” feature when using Ultimate FPS
    • Fixed: Draggable and PickUp objects still being moveable if the interaction system is disabled

    • Added: “Object: Check visibility” Action - use to check if an object is visible either in the scene or through the current camera
    • Added: Various performance improvements
    • Added: Option to assume all available inputs are defined - this increases performance, but will cause errors if inputs are undefined
    • Added: Option to also teleport the active GameCamera when teleporting the Player with the “Object: Teleport” Action
    • Changed: The sliders in “Engine: Pause game” and “Camera: Shake” Actions are now number fields, not sliders
    • Fixed: Inconsistent behaviour when using the LimitVisibility and RememberVisibility components on the same object
    • Fixed: “Sound: Play one-shot” Action not ending the sound when skipped
    • Fixed: Error when using the “Object: Add or remove” Action to delete an object during a collision
    • Fixed: Minor issues with the “Object: Fade sprite” Action
    • Fixed: Sprites Unity Characters not being able to play custom animations if their Animator is on the root GameObject
    • Fixed: “Ignore if already playing” option in “Sound: Play” Action sometimes inappropriately preventing a sound from playing
    • Fixed: Errors when switching Player prefab as soon as a scene begins
    • Fixed: Effects of “Engine: Change scene setting” no longer being restored from save game files
    • Fixed: Marker parameter not being assigned in “Object: Transform” Action
  46. TonyLi


    Apr 10, 2012
  47. DGordon


    Dec 8, 2013

    Thanks for a great asset! The company I work for is about to prototype a new American History Game with it ... if all goes well, then kids all over america will be using this in schools next year :)!

    I have a question though (there may be more coming down the line) ... when using player vicinity set to nearest, how do I have the hotspot trigger / icon change only when the mouse is over the hotspot? Right now if I'm near the hotspot, the icon changes no matter what the mouse is over, and clicking anywhere on the screen will trigger the hotspot. Changing the settings to show all causes the mouse to work the way I want, but then I lose the player head tracking + highlight when the player walks near the object (mouse over is not enough).

    Our standard use-case is kids playing this in a school setting. Which means we need the players to have as many cues to use the item as possible ... playing the game is a good use of their allotted time, wandering around not sure what to click on is not. The functionality I'm looking to prototype is (a) an icon over the hotspot, (b) walking near a hotspot head-looks and highlights, (c) clicking on the hotspot (and not anywhere else!) when your in vicinity uses the hotspot.

  48. Alex-3D


    May 21, 2013

    It seems I've found something interesting.

    1. some Conversation (A) has single Dialogue Option
    2. it's Auto-play lone option? is On
    3. it's single Dialogue option is configured to Run Other Conversation (B)
    4. Conversation (B) has few non-alone options
    5. (Conversation's (B) Auto-play lone option? has no matter in this case)

    this next Conversation (B) doesn't run automatically as result.
    And a developer should add a Dialogue.StartConversation action into the end of the first conversation's (A) Dialogue Option.

    Is this correct?

  49. ChrisIceBox


    Sep 16, 2013
    I've replied to the post you made over on the AC forum.

    I will look into it. If it is a bug, I will fix it.
  50. ChrisIceBox


    Sep 16, 2013
    Adding another Conversation: Start conversation Action should not be necessary. I followed your steps to the letter and had no trouble at all - Conversation B showed up correctly. Please check that you are using the latest release.