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VR 5.4.0b10 RenderTexture.SetActive taking 9ms

Discussion in '5.4 Beta' started by freekstorm, Mar 16, 2016.

  1. freekstorm


    Nov 11, 2010
    In this version I've seen a big drop in framerate when using VR (both oculus and vive). Looking further it appears that the problem is that rendertexcture.setactive is now crippling the stats taking almost as long as the actual render process.

    So camera.render takes 9ms and SetaAtcive takes 8.5ms

    Whats going on?
  2. freekstorm


    Nov 11, 2010
    Interesting. I've just tried turning of and on all the various options that are available. In every single case I get 60fps with setactive taking up various amounts of time. The balance always seems to be 60fps.
    I have
    Application.targetFrameRate = -1;

    I'm going to roll back to beta9 and see what happens.
    MrEsquire likes this.