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2d game asset bundle

Discussion in '2D' started by robert_brooks_GDS, May 18, 2021.

  1. robert_brooks_GDS


    Nov 3, 2014
    Hi All, I just wanted to let you know that I'm running my own "humble bundle" style 2d game asset deals from my site. Albeit without the audience or clients! LOL.

    Like humble-bundle, my bundles feature Huge discounts, from anywhere between, 50% to 95% of their standard price. Every month or two I run a new bundle and each bundle theme is different. I always try to create assets that are useful to a broad variety of games styles so even if you don't need your assets for the moment it's still worth getting the bundle.

    If you like it when Humble bundle has 2d asset software deals then you may be interested in the bundles I run too.

    If I can generate enough purchases with each bundle, my plan is to switch from my standard asset pricing to regular bundle releases.

    Here's an example of my latest bundle release. Here's the link to the site too