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Zombie Damage and Hit Animation.

Discussion in 'Animation' started by waqas_90, Jun 7, 2017.

  1. waqas_90


    Dec 5, 2016
    Hi all developers. I am facing a problem with animation. I want to play an animation when the zombie get 'hit', it should play his 'hit' animation. Here is the code, any help will be greatly appreciated.

    using UnityEngine;
    using System.Collections;


    public class Hit_Body : AS_BulletHiter

    public int Suffix = 0;

    public ZombieStatus damageManage;
    public AnimationClip zombiehit;

    public static bool zombie = false;

    void Start(){
    if(damageManage == null){
    damageManage = this.RootObject.GetComponent<ZombieStatus> ();


    public override void OnHit (RaycastHit hit, AS_Bullet bullet)

    if (this.gameObject.tag == "Enemy")

    if (zombie = true)

    this.RootObject.GetComponent<ZombieStatus>().ApplyDamage(50, bullet.transform.forward * Random.Range(50, 150), Random.Range(0, 2));

    zom.GetComponent<AnimationClip>()[].WrapMode = WrapMode.Loop;

    Debug.Log("ye hit body wala code se body ko hit kia gya hai");
    //Score.score += scoreValue;

    else if(this.gameObject.tag=="head")

    Debug.Log("i hit the head");

    AddAudio (hit.point);
    base.OnHit (hit, bullet);