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XSI to Unity :: Normal Smoothing

Discussion in 'Formats & External Tools' started by Moxon, Aug 17, 2010.

  1. Moxon


    Aug 17, 2010
    Hi all! We are testing out the viability of unity for several upcoming projects and we are running into a few snags getting assets in to Unity correctly. We are using XSI 2010 as our 3D app running crosswalk 4.0. Our main issue is that we can't seem to get Unity to respect the normal smoothing outputted by XSI. Here is our basic test:

    Export out 4 dodecahedrons

    1.) one smoothed at a default angle of 60
    2.) one set to smooth normals at an angle of 6
    3.) one that has all the edges marked be hard or "faceted"
    4.) each face separated so none faces share an edge with other faces.

    See the attached example, I've numbered the outputs to show which one is which. So normally one would think that 3 of the geos would have hard edges in unity, but only the one where the faces are separated seem to look as it should (or as it does in XSI).

    Any other XSI/unity users out there?


    Attached Files:

  2. QFS


    Jan 22, 2009
    This happens with other modeling apps also.

    Just make note of the smoothing angle number that produces the results you want in your 3D app, then upon importing into Unity simply set it so Unity calculates the normals, and manually set the smoothing angle in Unity.