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Xcode Validating Unity App - 'App Store Icon' Invalid? [SOLVED]

Discussion in 'iOS and tvOS' started by Xander-Davis, Dec 8, 2017.

  1. Xander-Davis


    Apr 23, 2011
    In trying to submit my tvOS app, I archive it in Xcode and it successfully creates the .app. However when validating it before uploading it, it fails with the following error:

    Note, it builds and installs to my development ATV just fine. The 'App Store' icon is dual layered for the 3D effect and works fine on test builds on my device.

    Is the 'App Store Icon' different from the 'App Icon' assets? Why isn't there then an 'App Store Icon' slot in Unity's build settings for tvOS? How do you add this then to Xcode so it will validate? Surely this can't be the first time a tvOS developer has run into this issue...

    Any ideas? This one issue is holding up the entire submission process... Which sucks.
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2017
  2. Xander-Davis


    Apr 23, 2011
    Is this because these icons are in UnityImages.xcassets and not Images.xcassets which the validator might expect? There doesn't seem to be a way to move them from one to the other.

    I would imagine Unity builds out the Xcode project appropriately for validation but... well... here we are. Dead in the water because of an icon we have, at the specs it wants. wtf...
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2017
  3. Xander-Davis


    Apr 23, 2011
    It does appear that Unity is not adequately preparing the assets now per Xcode / Apple's requirements.

    This is from UnityImages.xcassets direct from an Xcode project built from Unity 2017.2.0p4:

    This is Images.xcassets from that same Xcode project built from Unity:

    In either, if you right-click and select New tvOS App Icon and Top Shelf Image:

    You will get a new AppIcon group called 'Brand Assets' which contains the missing 'App Icon - App Store'.

    You can move 'App Icon - App Store' into AppIcon under UnityImages.xcassets and then add the assets again manually. However it wants a 'Front, Middle, and Back' instead of a 'Layer-1' and 'Layer-0'.

    I also checked the original asset and yes it is as required in the error message:

    So then I manually dragged and dropped the assets into the Back and Front slot, leaving Middle blank. It looks just like App Icon - Large does.

    All in Xcode, then I built to Apple TV 4K successfully with no errors. Then, to prepare to submit to Apple, I proceeded to archive it and it will automatically try to validate it.

    I'll post back if this fixes it.
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2017
  4. Xander-Davis


    Apr 23, 2011
    This didn't fix it. Same error.

    I also tried adding it to Images.xcassets. That failed too.

    Last edited: Dec 8, 2017
  5. Xander-Davis


    Apr 23, 2011
    Got it to work.

    You cannot have x2 at all on App Icon - Large, so just delete these images from UnityImages.xcassets in Xcode. It apparently makes a difference that you do it there and not in Unity's Build Settings by leaving Large x2 blank or trying them with x1 image assets (which is of course, going from the error, the first thing I tried two and a half hours ago).


    If I had to guess, this is actually a problem with Xcode and not Unity. With a 4K AppleTV, it makes sense that you'd have a x2 asset for your main App Icon, but Xcode's validation process rejects anything above x1.
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2017
  6. cvasquez-coiron


    Nov 10, 2014
    Hi Xander we are having the same issue with Unity 2017.2.0p4 building for AppleTV, same error message when uploading the archive to itunes. Which is the "App Icon" asset in Unity? We have the options for default Icon, Small icon, Small icon 2x, Large icon, Large x2... I understand home screen icon is 400px × 240px and homescreen x2 is 800px × 480px and those in Unity would be small icon 1x and small icon 2x correspondingly. right? Should we add the missing icon in Xcode not Unity?? Thanks!
  7. cvasquez-coiron


    Nov 10, 2014
    As you mentioned, we needed to manually remove large-x2 on the xcode project, and remove the "scale" attribute on both. This is how we fixed it:

    Apply the following modifications manually to both files:

    - UnityImages.xcassets\AppIcon.brandassets\App Icon - Large.imagestack\Layer-0.imagestacklayer\Content.imageset\Contents.json

    - UnityImages.xcassets\AppIcon.brandassets\App Icon - Large.imagestack\Layer-1.imagestacklayer\Content.imageset\Contents.json

    Original file:

    "images" : [
    "filename" : "icon.png",
    "idiom" : "tv",
    "scale" : "1x"
    "filename" : "icon.png",
    "idiom" : "tv",
    "scale" : "2x"
    "info" : {
    "author" : "",
    "version" : 1

    Fixed/Modified file:

    "images" : [
    "idiom" : "tv",
    "filename" : "icon.png"
    "info" : {
    "version" : 1,
    "author" : "xcode"
  8. Xander-Davis


    Apr 23, 2011
    Sorry for the delay in reply-- I just launched my game after resolving this issue so it's been all hands on deck for that.

    Incidentally, you can check out the game there:

    As for this, I had to manually remove the x2 Icons from the Large app icon in Xcode under UnityImages.xcassets after building to tvOS from Unity.

    Hope that helps!
  9. RolfBertram_dot_me


    Mar 1, 2011
    Any news on this x2 App Store Icon issue? I still have to remove the x2 Icons. One might think that Apple wants x2 Icons for UHD. Maybe someone should ask the Apple review team.
  10. fluffy-dev-1


    Dec 17, 2014
    For anyone else having an issue with the icons and ending up here:

    I built on a github action but missed to add git lfs checkout and git lfs pull to the pipeline.
    The pipeline builds fine but the app icon is missing in the end when trying to upload (e.g. with fastlane).

    Maybe this will help somebody having the same issue.