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WRP FB Simple & Easy Facebook SDK Integration

Discussion in 'Scripting' started by weRplay Unity, Jul 5, 2015.

  1. weRplay Unity

    weRplay Unity

    Oct 15, 2013
    WRP FB Simple & Easy Facebook SDK Integration
    The Simplest Plugin Wrapper to integrate the most common & useful features of the official Facebook SDK!
    Updated to support the latest official Facebook SDK for Unity.

    Post your queries and suggestions in this thread. We shall reply you as quick as possible.

    Easily add social sharing, friends invites, wall posts, high scores, leaderboards and many other facebook sdk features to your unity game.

    While working with Unity and facebook, we felt that there had to be an easier, simpler solution to making our games more social. We created this wrapper for the official facebook sdk that gives access to the most common and powerful social features of facebook in the simplest possible way.

    -Download and import the official facebook SDK
    -Download and import WRP's Simple Facebook Integration
    -Set the Facebook App ID & Name
    simple, easy and your Unity game is ready to be more social
    and you're good to go.​

    - Wall posts with or without screenshots
    - Access App Friend Lists and likes
    - Invitable Friends Lists with Pictures
    - App requests to friends
    - High scores & Leaderboards
    - Send custom POST and GET queries to the FB Graph API
    - Get user account details including list of app requests

    play & let play!