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Showcase Writing a Skin Shader for DAZ maps

Discussion in 'Shaders' started by mcmount, Dec 8, 2023.

  1. mcmount


    Nov 15, 2015

    Learning to write shaders has been fun. One thing I've noticed, there are only few decent skin shaders available, and virtually zero are supporting DAZ maps out from the box. So I thought to try how far I can go!

    What's under the hood:

    The shader is a standard surf shader with subsurface scattering and reflections. All the DAZ texture maps (diffuse, specular, subsurface and normal) just needs to be set. So far I've only tested this with default rendering path, but I see no reason why it wouldn't work with any path.

    The fine skin details are done with a secondary noise normal map, so even close by the skin doesn't pixelate. I also added an extra greyscale map for wet look (water, oil etc), which is converted to normal map and masked with the reflectivity.

    I would appreciate any comments, as focusing on this makes me blind after some time!
    makaolachsiungca likes this.