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[WIP] Super Tiny Monkey: Act 2

Discussion in 'Works In Progress - Archive' started by KhinRunite, Mar 13, 2015.

  1. KhinRunite


    Nov 18, 2013
    You may or may not have heard of it, but I released a platformer/sidescroller game on IOS and Android last January. It's called Super Tiny Monkey. Two months later, and I am now starting on the second part of that 5-part game. This is STM: Act 2.

    For those unfamiliar with my project:

    Super TIny Monkey is a platforming sidescroller game for mobile devices. You play as Goggles, an experimental tarsier who managed to escape from Dr. Zoo’s laboratory and your goal is to run away from his poachers and minions who are sent to capture you. You must leap, glide, dash, or dive from one platform to the next to get as far away as possible. The crux of the gameplay revolves around avoiding obstacles. You will begin with the most basic of control, which is simply tapping on the screen as you pass platforms by-- not unlike a rythm game. As you progress and your character levels up you will open up more control options such as gliding, diving, dashing, and at higher levels you gain access to super powers that will help you conquer the increasing difficulty of the game. There are two game modes: the endless platformer (adventure) mode and the unlockable boss battle mode. Megaman has been such a huge inspiration for me, still one of my all time favorite games to date, and hopefully this shows on the boss battle experience.

    Here's a couple more screenshots (still in development):

    For more screenshots:

    I will update this thread for big development updates. If you want to monitor the game's development, head on over to any of the following websites:

    My Blog
    My Website
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