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Why Does 3D Unity Look Super Choppy For Me?

Discussion in 'Getting Started' started by shurimano9x, May 9, 2018.

  1. shurimano9x


    May 9, 2018
    I've been trying to find out what's wrong for a few hours now and nothing.

    If I make a new scene, add a plane, a cube, an FPSController prefab, build and run, then walk around the cube, it looks like I'm getting 30 fps. The edges of the cube looks like it's vibrating, even though it's rendering 1000+ fps.

    Can this be fixed? Is it something to do with the FPSController prefab that makes everything look horrible when you move?

    I'm new to this and I'm just trying to make a simple tool for practicing FPS aim.
  2. Tset_Tsyung


    Jan 12, 2016
    First things first...


    Right, down to the issue you're facing. Can you show us some screen shots of what you see in the inspector? Mainly the inspector for the FPS controller and the 'scene' view?

    A screenshot of the issue would be appreciated too.

    Have you added anything to any of the objects?

    Have you tried dragging the game tab so that it's is shown NEXT TO the scene tab? That way you could see if the camera is 'jumping' between 2 positions.

    Essentially I've never had this issue... but I'm sure we'll all get it sorted for you soon enough ;)
    JoeStrout likes this.
  3. gamedeveloper0


    Jun 10, 2015
    Maybe something wrong with the colliders, I have had that issue with so other game engines, make sure the colliders are aligned right, this could also happen if the fps controller has too much friction or maybe thinks, The cube is a staircase and trying to climb it. Try messing with those settings.

    Also wether or not this is a performance issue you system specs would really help us see that, also attach some screenshots if not a video.