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Weird animation first frame importing from blender

Discussion in 'Asset Importing & Exporting' started by sberneir, Sep 18, 2019.

  1. sberneir


    Sep 2, 2019

    I made my first model in blender and I animated it. It looks fine when I play the animations through blender, but when I import it in unity the arms are broken on the first frame:

    So I messed around a bit in blender and it seems like the problem is from there, because I can reproduce it. If I go from the t-pose straight from to the run animation, I get this:

    it's pretty much exactly the same thing. It's like the top of the arm IK doesn't follow the shoulder and stays where it was in the t-pose. Note that it ONLY happens when going from t-pose to run animation, If I then click on keyframe 0 I get this:

    I also don't ever see this bugged frame when I loop through the animation with blender. If I make the unity animation start from frame 1 the bug doesn't appear, but then the transitions aren't perfect.
    This only happens with the arms.
    Here's my arm's setup:
    IK on forearm + upper arm. no deformation. upper arm's parent set to the shoulder. Target set to hand. and there's a pole behind the character.
    2 smaller bones for deformations. set to follow location + rotation of ik bones. upper arm deformation's parent set to the shoulder.
    shoulders follow rotation of upper arm, with limits to rotation.

    Does anyone have any idea why this happens?
  2. sberneir


    Sep 2, 2019
    a temporary solution I found was to, in Blender, duplicate the first frame and put it on frame 0 and then make the animation skip the first frame in Unity.

    If anyone has a real (non-hacky) solution please let me know, because I'm pretty sure this problem stems from a lack of understanding of Blender.

    Thank you.