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WeblGL: just updated to RC2 and new builds problem

Discussion in 'Unity 5 Pre-order Beta' started by sluice, Feb 18, 2015.

  1. sluice


    Jan 31, 2014

    I just updated to the Release Candidate 2 and when I builds done with Development Build uncheck don't work.
    I always get this error:

    Optimisation Level: Slow(Fast builds)

    Other Settings
    Stripping Level: Strip Assemblies

    Publishing Settings
    Enable Exception: Full
    Data caching: checked
    Template: minimal

    Builds do with Development Build ticked, play fine.

    any insight on what could cause this? Why do I get the error of a Behaviour script missing with development build uncheck?
  2. sluice


    Jan 31, 2014
    Never mind, after many hours of testing different export settings,
    I found the issue. My first scene was in fact an intro video (MovieTexture).

    Instead of always checking/unchecking this scene in between my builds (WebPlayer/WebGL), I implemented a script at the beginning of that intro scene to by-pass the video and jump straight to the start screen in WebGL. Worked fine in Dev build, but not in final build. Weird.

    Would of saved me a lot of time and frustration, if the error would of pointed to that! :eek: