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Webgl - update label text

Discussion in 'Editor & General Support' started by giuliofelix, Mar 31, 2021.

  1. giuliofelix


    Jan 21, 2016
    Hi all,
    i've got a problem with a WebGL project.
    In this project i have a method that post some data to a webserver with a www
    ---------------------------------------------post data di prova&CameraposX=10&CameraposY=10&CameraposZ=10&Cameranear=10&Camerafar=10&Camerafov=10&Imglabel=

    and then call an Unitywebrequest to download a json spool from web site after 4 seconds
    ---------------------------------------------------------get data

    i transform the downloaded spool in a Object
    ---------------------------------------------------------write text
    Modello P = JsonUtility.FromJson<Modello>(recentData);

    with the P object i change the text in a label.

    string Nota = P.Bgb.ToString() + " " + P.Bgg.ToString() + " " + P.Bgr.ToString();
    getNoteText.text = Nota;

    string web = "" + variabili;
    WWW ncal = new WWW(web);
    yield return ncal;
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ncal.error))
    if (ncal.text != "[]")
    Debug.Log("Inserito correttamente");
    string id = getIDText.text;
    StartCoroutine(Foo(id)); ///wait 4 seconds and then download datta

    IEnumerator Foo(string id)
    yield return new WaitForSeconds(4f); // Wait four seconds
    StartCoroutine(Getmodello2(id, this.ResponseCallback)); // Download the data again

    When i test in the editor it's all ok ....,the text in the label change correctly at every click.
    When i export the WEBGL project and test in the web the project work but the label don't update immediately,i had to add a new button that only download json,create model object and after update the label text ,after some click the text update not at the first click.