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vHierarchy - Next level hierarchy

Discussion in 'Assets and Asset Store' started by kubacho-lab, May 30, 2023.

  1. kubacho-lab


    Mar 14, 2023
    Introducing vHierarchy

    Make hierarchy informative and functional

    Unlike many other hierarchy plugins, vHierarchy is:
    - Fast: no lags even with tons of icons
    - Safe: no hidden GameObjects, won't mess up your project if uninstalled
    - Minimal: no gimmicks or visual garbage, hierarchy looks as usual by default

    Component minimap.png
    Set icons.png
    Set colors.png
    Adjust lighting.png
    Collapse everything.png


    Component minimap (optional)
    - See components listed on the right
    - Alt-Click a component icon to open component editor popup

    Custom icons and colors
    - Highlight GameObjects
    - Create dividers or folders

    Shortcuts (work on the GameObject under mouse, no need to select it)
    - Press A to toggle active
    - Press F to focus
    - Press X to delete
    - Press E to expand or collapse
    - Press Shift-E to expand only one object
    - Press Ctrl-Shift-E to collapse everything

    Lighting window
    - Adjust directional light without selecting it
    - Edit ambient lighting and fog without opening the rendering tab

    Any feature can be disabled
  2. kubacho-lab


    Mar 14, 2023
    vHierarchy is now on sale!