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Using Unity provided privacy policy?

Discussion in 'Editor & General Support' started by default_team, May 27, 2020.

  1. default_team


    Dec 1, 2018
    Can't we no longer use Unity provided privacy policy to publish Unity games on Google Play? I have been making regular beta releases on Google Play and didn't have any issues up until the last week. The updates were rejected due to a violation of Families Policy Requirements.

    Since I can't seem to understand the specific reason for the rejection, I reached out to Google Play team and this is the reply I got:

    Since it's being a Unity3D game and as I'm not collecting any personal and sensitive information, I used as the privacy policy and it is set in both the designated field in the Play Console and within the app itself. My app targets both children and older audiences, but it's not enrolled for Designed for Families Program. Unity's HW statistics feature is also disabled. Neutral age screen is implemented so to disable Unity analytics for users under 13.

    I'm using Unity 2018.4.11f1

    Now I'm out of ideas. I really appreciate any help.
    Last edited: May 27, 2020
  2. default_team


    Dec 1, 2018
    Finally, it got approved after creating and linking to my own privacy policy. I also updated one of the old releases in the beta track. But I guess they no longer like us just linking directly to Unity provided privacy policy.

    Privacy policies provided by existing Unity games and those free privacy policy generators were really helpful in writing my own that is applicable to my app.
    Last edited: May 28, 2020
    triple_why and fffMalzbier like this.
  3. triple_why


    Jun 9, 2018
    Hi! To my understanding, Google Play policies are in grades:

    Grade 1: "Developer Program Policies" are always mandatory.

    Grade 2: If you target age groups of 13 and above, along with "Your app could unintentionally appeal to children" option is checked (see ps.1), adding "Unity provided privacy policy" is enough (see ps.2).

    Grade 3: If you target age groups of below 13, you must comply with the "Families policy", hence you should provide a custom privacy policy which covers age groups of below 13, as per "Privacy policy" section (#6) of the Families Policy Requirements. I think this is because Google doesn't find "6. Our Policies Concerning Children" section of "Unity provided privacy policy" satisfactory.

    Grade 4: If your app is enrolled in the Designed for Families program, then you should comply "Designed for Families Program Requirements" as well.

    So, as in my case, if you target age groups of below 13 and using "Unity provided privacy policy", your app will probably be rejected. In this case, either you provide a custom privacy policy which covers age groups of below 13, or you target age groups of 13 and above. I did latter after an app rejection, and got approved. At least at time of this post =)

    ps.1: Targeting age groups is done at Store Presence > App content > Target audience and content.
    ps.2: Adding a privacy policy is done at Store Presence > App content > Privacy policy.
    default_team likes this.