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Feedback Using Unity Offline

Discussion in 'Unity Hub' started by MartyrOfKharak, Oct 14, 2021.

  1. MartyrOfKharak


    Oct 20, 2017
    I recently had to reformat my laptop to fix some issues and have been re-installing all of my programs. Unfortunately, this means I've had to upgrade to the latest version of lots of things when I usually stay a few version behind. I am now on the latest version of Unity Hub (2.4.5), and am experiencing a major problem with my license.

    I am a sailor and thus spend significant amounts of time without internet access. On previous Hub versions, my license would stay with me when I had my wifi turned off and I just successfully used Unity for the entirety of my last 6 months at sea. However, now that I've upgraded I fear that my time of doing hobby gamedev in my free time at sea is over.

    Is there any way for me to be able to continue using Unity offline? I tried with a manual activation file, but it requires me to be logged into my account to use and Hub automatically logs me off the second I turn off wifi.

    I completely understand Unity's need to maintain their intellectual property, but disabling a license the absolute *instant* internet is lost seems absurd to me. Perhaps people just don't consider the possibility that someone might not always have internet access, but for people like me the ability to work offline is a lifesaver.
  2. mholmes


    Dec 8, 2012
    I think you can pick the Unity version you want to install using Unity Hub. Just grab a older version of Unity that does not require net. That sucks though your at sea no net.
  3. IDK, I just tried it. I have Unity Hub, Unity Editors installed (2020, 2021.1, 2021.2, 2022.1), I shut down everything, I put my computer into airplane mode and started the hub. It has started without a word and opened my projects in all of these editors without any warning about being offline.
    I have a plus license though.
  4. UnityLorenzo


    Unity Technologies

    Dec 15, 2020
    Hi Martyr,

    That's certainly not normal, or expected behaviour, your license should remain valid until its expiry date regardless of internet connectivity. I recommend you open a support ticket. You can do so by emailing or you can try filling this form

    Just a heads up, they'll likely want to see your hub logs, editor logs and licensing client logs. On Windows you can find those here:

    Unity Editor %LOCALAPPDATA%\Unity\Editor\Editor.log
    Unity Hub %APPDATA%\UnityHub\logs\info-log.json
    Licensing Client %LOCALAPPDATA%\Unity\Unity.Licensing.Client.log
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