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Upgrade from 2018.2 to 2018.3.0b5 issues

Discussion in '2018.3 Beta' started by sstrong, Oct 27, 2018.

  1. sstrong


    Oct 16, 2013
    I've upgraded a project from 2018.2.0f2 to 2018.3.0b5 and have the following unresolvable issues.

    Code (CSharp):
    1. ArgumentException: Can not deserialize (UnityEditor.Experimental.Rendering.HDPipeline.HDUnlitSubShader), type is invalid
    2. UnityEditor.Graphing.SerializationHelper.Deserialize[IUnlitSubShader] (JSONSerializedElement item, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2 remapper, System.Object[] constructorArgs) (at Library/PackageCache/com.unity.shadergraph@3.3.0-preview/Editor/Data/Util/SerializationHelper.cs:103)
    3. UnityEditor.Graphing.SerializationHelper.Deserialize[IUnlitSubShader] (IEnumerable`1 list, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2 remapper, System.Object[] constructorArgs) (at Library/PackageCache/com.unity.shadergraph@3.3.0-preview/Editor/Data/Util/SerializationHelper.cs:153)
    4. UnityEditor.Experimental.AssetImporters.ScriptedImporter:GenerateAssetData(AssetImportContext)
    Code (CSharp):
    1. Assertion failed on expression: 'success'
    2. UnityEditor.Experimental.AssetImporters.ScriptedImporter:GenerateAssetData(AssetImportContext)
    Code (CSharp):
    1. Assets/PostProcessing/Editor/PropertyDrawers/MinDrawer.cs(6,34): error CS0104: `MinAttribute' is an ambiguous reference between `UnityEngine.MinAttribute' and `UnityEngine.PostProcessing.MinAttribute'

    Also, I cannot update Package Manager because there are compile errors.

    Are these known issues? If so, are there any solutions?
  2. LeonhardP


    Unity Technologies

    Jul 4, 2016
    Could you please try to set the version for the package manager package in your project's manifest file to '2.0.3' and of the HDRP package to '4.1.0'?

    This thread might be relevant to you as well:

    The post processing error is fixed in the latest version of post processing stack v1 on Github.
    However, since 2018.1 it is no longer officially supported and we'd advise you to switch to v2, available via the package manager.