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TextMesh Pro Updating Font Size tags in TMPro Stylesheet on runtime?

Discussion in 'UGUI & TextMesh Pro' started by theembracedone, Jan 23, 2023.

  1. theembracedone


    Jul 31, 2019
    I have a style sheet set up in which I set up tags that set font size such as `<size=23px>`. Is it possible to somehow modify the stylesheet on runtime to change these sizes (even if I have to do it one by one)? It's for implementing a font size slider in the UI settings of the game (ideally I'd like to multiply each fontsize by a modifier).
    Thank you

    Edit: To clarify, I set the sizes via opening tags in the style sheets and I am looking to update these settings on runtime, NOT update the text size on the TextMeshProUGUI components!

    I'm able to reference my default styleSheet directly. According to… "GetStyle" retrieves "the Style matching the HashCode" (or name if I give it a string parameter). Once I get the style, however, I have very limited choice:… based on this, my best bet would be to query "styleOpeningDefinition".

    I am able to get the opening tags via styleOpeningDefinition, and then find and replace the relevant number that denotes the size in the "<size="50px">" tag but it's a readonly property so I cant set it afterwards.

    Here's the code:

    Code (CSharp):
    1. TMP_Text text = GetComponent<TMP_Text>();
    2. TMP_Style style = styleSheet.GetStyle("H1");
    3. openingTags = style.styleOpeningDefinition;
    5. string[] size = openingTags.Split("px><cspace=");
    6. string _splitString = size[0].Replace("<size=", "");
    7. float _currentSize = float.Parse(_splitString);
    8. _currentSize *= multiplier;
    11. string _newTags = "<size=" + _currentSize + "px>" + size[1];
    13. style.styleOpeningDefinition = _newTags;   //Property or indexer 'TMP_Style.styleOpeningDefinition' cannot be assigned to -- it is read only
    14. style.RefreshStyle();
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2023