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Feedback Unreal Editor works offline, Unity Editor doesn't work if the connection is not fast enough

Discussion in 'Editor & General Support' started by altepTest, Jun 12, 2022.

  1. altepTest


    Jul 5, 2012
    I'm not even offline, the internet service provider has some connection issues and for an hour the speed dropped to less than 100kb seconds.

    Unreal editors starts without complaining. I've tried to open unity (I'm moving assets from the unity project, I don't even want to work in the editor) but noooo, unity complains that no license was found and it sends me to unity hub.

    unity hub has the license listed. is there.

    you know what is not there?

    unity editor patience to wait for the servers to send the answer back. the connection is slow, the license verification takes time, why you have programmed the editor to fail after one second if it doesn't get back an answer from internet?

    why you even included a drm verification in the free version of the editor. I understand having the drm for the pro version but for the free one? who cares if the editor is offline or online if is the free version? no one cares.

    this is the same editor that decides randomly to wait for 2 hours in a loop for an answer from who knows what process that never completes.

    I don't want nothing, this is just feedback, that is why is tagged as feedback. Once I'm moved the assets to unreal I will uninstall this editor.
  2. CodeSmile


    Apr 10, 2014
    Try signing out of Unity Hub, then sign back in, this usually fixes it.
  3. altepTest


    Jul 5, 2012
    unity hub had the correct license, unity hub logged in correctly and had the license listed even if the connection speed was poor. It failed when trying to open a project in the editor.

    Clicking on the project name in unity hub fired up the editor, the editor intro window shows up a few seconds and then the error about the license pops up

    This happens because either the editor or the unity hub doesn't wait for the connection to complete successfully.

    Even if the unity hub verification of the license was just made a few seconds or minutes before.

    as soon as the internet connection got back to normal, the editor and project opened up. no need to log in or log out.

    just another strange code architecture. people complained about license problems for years.

    is because the editor doesn't have patience if your connection is not fast enough or is unreliable.

    it doesn't make any DRM sense whatsoever as unity hub verified the license moments before. it also a free piece of software, why you even have the drm included.

    You know what, every time I open unity there big chances some new bug I've never seen before shows up.

    It would had been very funny if I would had not lost two years trying to make this works