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Unreadable font in editor, a.k.a. "why I hate the personal edition theme"

Discussion in 'Editor & General Support' started by Hamburgert, Apr 22, 2019.

  1. Hamburgert


    Feb 14, 2015
    Being a personal edition user, I'm stuck in the rather disgusting light theme.
    I started thinking about exactly WHAT makes the light theme so unbearable for me and I think I found atleast one main problem: The font is barely readable.

    I was planning to provide screenshot evidence, only to discover that the image showed perfectly readable font! Wait, this doesn't make sense.

    Explanation: I was pasting the screenshot in my browser on my monitor #1 (older 1920x1200). My unity editor is on my monitor #3 (cheaper 1920x1080).
    Dragging my Unity editor to monitor #1 makes the font readable and the light theme is less disgusting for me to use. When on monitor #3 the font appears way too thin and is visually hard to read.

    I fiddled with the windows settings for cleartype and font adjustments only to discover that this problem is only presented in the unity editor. Other software has clear readable font on all monitors. The windows font previews are clear and readable on all monitors.

    So what does work? See the screenshot above, it has one gameobject selected. The blue highlight with white font is actually readable on all screens. I assume that the dark theme avoids this problem all together and I assume that other people are experiencing the same problem based on my googling. (Possibly another reason to just release the dark theme: Readability. As if more reasons were needed.. come on unity, what's the hold-up?)

    My obvious solution is to use unity with the monitor that provides readable font. For others:
    This link includes a git script that actually lets you change the font, which helps somewhat. Problem is having to use verdana bold because it's the only font/format I found that is readable-ish even on the smallest hardcoded ui text.
    (solution to 2019 error:

    Sharing this because I'm hoping it helps others stuck in the personal edition theme, with the same problem of having unreadable font and possibly a too cheap monitor.

    Attached Files: