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UnityEditor.UI.csproj not found

Discussion in 'Editor & General Support' started by carpe_die_m, Oct 2, 2021.

  1. carpe_die_m


    Dec 21, 2018
    I got this one solved but here it is for others <3

    In Unity 2020.3.19f with AR project I created a Script and after opening it I got a warning window that said something like "One or more packages were not loaded" and in the output of Visual Studio (2019) there was a message "D:/..directoryPathToProject../UnityEditor.UI.csproj could not be leaded".
    Based on another post in the forum this should work for Visual Studio Code as well.

    My solution:
    In Unity go to Window > Package Manager > Visual Studio Editor / Visual Studio Code Editor
    --> Here you see the available versions and your currently installed version. What I did was downgrading few versions back and I always opened the Script to see if the warning message is still there. Once it was gone I tried to go up in the version again and opening the script again. So, I slowely installed the newest version again and now it is working!

    How to downgrade:
    In Unity Package Manager select a version and on the right bottom corner there will be "Update to X.X.X" button.

    Good luck guys!
    eljhondy22, TimPhil and dylan-hart like this.
  2. noclipstudio


    Mar 2, 2021
    It didn't work for me :(