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Unity UI Animation

Discussion in 'UGUI & TextMesh Pro' started by Kyle_L, Jul 30, 2015.

  1. Kyle_L


    Feb 8, 2015
    So I'm currently working on adding animations to my UI, simple enough. But I'm running into a small snag, because I'm running multiple animations at once I chose to run the animations by script opposed to the animation controller. With using script though I'm running into the problem that for every animation I need to make a new function to handle the that specific animation. So for the sake of simplicity and performance I have no clue what to do, go back and find another way to animate my UI with the animation controller? or find a way to do it in script?
  2. Leoo


    May 13, 2013
    "I chose to run the animations by script opposed to the animation controller."
    "But I'm running into a small snag, because I'm running multiple animations"

    I recommend you the use of Mecanim for this type of task, keep your thinking modular inside the controller, keep it layered as needed if going deep into complexity, am asuming your using uGui, if you are... there is no other good answer then Mecanim.
