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Unity to unity bidirectional render streaming not working.

Discussion in 'Unity Render Streaming' started by ripeshrockz, Feb 1, 2022.

  1. ripeshrockz


    Jul 6, 2020
    I am trying to use unity to unity bidirectional render streaming of cameras. One side running an exe with a webcam and 2nd running the unity project with laptop default camera. Also modified the code to, as the second user to connect or join will send the offer only. Once all data(offer, ICE candidate and answer) is been exchanged, only one of the instances is receiving the other instance's feed, the second one receiving images is blank. Also, the instance which sends offer receives the ICE candidate from the other instance before answer thus, it's not accepted due to peer state not being stable. What am I missing here?
    Currently using unity render streaming package 3.1.0 - exp 2.