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Unity Student Collab 5 seats

Discussion in 'Unity Collaborate' started by Liderangel, Mar 17, 2020.

  1. Liderangel


    Jul 8, 2018
    Hi there, I signed up for the Student Unity Program, that gives us Unity Pro for 1 year. That worked great and now our Unity is Pro. The problem is that we have a new fresh project that we wanted to start working on for an assignment but we ran into the issue that we can't add more than 3 people to Unity Collaborate (we are 4), claiming that we need more seats / Unity Teams Advanced for more people (which we in theory have since the announcement and FAQ pages say "5 Unity Teams Advanced seats".

    I created the project, added it to my Unity PRO Organization, added my teammates as part of the organization, added them though "Invite members" from the Unity Collaborate tab (in-engine, which opens up in a new tab) and it didn't work. I assigned some seats (the Unity Team Basics one, the 3 that gives you) but then one of the members of course couldn't join (which is basically the equivalent of 0 Unity Students, aka Unity Free). I can't find anywhere were the 2 extra seats from the Unity Advanced are.

    Thanks for the help!
  2. Liderangel


    Jul 8, 2018
    I managed to sort this out. For some reason Unity just added the Unity Teams Advanced to a random organization that I was part of but wasn't even mine. Luckily it was from someone that was actually part of this other project so I just converted that organization into the new one by migrating the project there and changing the name of it...

    Honestly the layout is so slow and confusing (there are like so many definitions for subscriptions, pointless groups and so on) that it was a major headache, I hope a redesign is in the way with optimizations and simplifications.
    Marc-Saubion likes this.
  3. darciap2


    Mar 3, 2020
    Yeah I'm trying to figure this out with my group too :-( We have to work remote now and really need the two extra seats but we cannot get Unity Teams Advanced to show up anywhere really.

    Got it to work through a whole bunch of trial and error. Had a few team members try with a few different organizations til we managed to find one with 5 seats.
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2020