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Unity requires the player to check back to the tab in order to progress passed the first frame?

Discussion in 'Web' started by cjddmut, Oct 26, 2016.

  1. cjddmut


    Nov 19, 2012
    My game loads all of it's content over the course of many frames. This allows me to initialize a lot of content without running out of memory and not appear to hang while loading. Though there's a behavior I've notice which is less desirable for the player.

    If the player goes to our weblg build, starts the download, and tabs away while it's downloading/loading (which seems like a likely scenario) then the game downloads, starts, and pauses at the end of the first frame. And it just waits until the player comes back to continue executing. After the program continues execution then the player is free to tab away or back without it blocking the loading (frames continue progress freely then).

    Is there something I can do/toggle with Unity to tell it not to pause at the end of the first frame but to just keep spinning?
  2. LaneFox


    Jun 29, 2011
    More info. Supposed to be resolved but looks like it locks to 1fps in background? (browser restriction)

    Not sure if this is the latest info, just happened across it.
  3. cjddmut


    Nov 19, 2012
    I've noticed the 1fps but that's fine, I work around that. The problem is that the second frame simply won't start until the player checks back. At that point it continues on at 1fps.