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Feedback Unity memory approach needs to change - eg. multiple processes.

Discussion in 'Editor & General Support' started by SilverStorm, Apr 21, 2022.

  1. SilverStorm


    Aug 25, 2011
    This post is my feedback mostly about the memory usage of the hub and editor.

    There's something very wrong with the way Unity is approaching memory usage. It seems multiple exe files are becoming the norm but this is actually becoming very problematic here with each new Unity hub version creating more instances of itself and thus more memory usage. Right now the hub alone is taking up 500MB of memory - this is NOT acceptable the hub should be 50mb max it barely does anything so something is wrong as I said just because technology expands it doesn't mean it's ok to be lethargic and use bad design practices the hub isn't a browser where having multiple exe files represents each tab.

    Most computers even with 16 GB of memory have less than half that before programs start to crash it's just how windows works due to the rest being system reserved. Unity needs to consider I will have a browser which takes up 3GB and so Unity can't take up more than 4GB no way but now it is with standard sized projects of 10 GB (20GB with library folders). I find it hard to believe that Unity needs to have 1/4 of the project size in RAM Memory when working with single scenes, with hub it's close to 5GB come on now.

    I'm just confused because in my scene it's not large at all and most of the stuff was made with Umodeler so I barely even have anything imported from my project .less than mostly textures that repeat in the scene many times which are 2048 or less.

    Please let me know the update I really don't find this kind of practice from such a mature engine to be acceptable in these days and ages.
    UModeler likes this.
  2. spiney199


    Feb 11, 2021
    Not true? The actual 'hardware reserved' RAM is in the order of less than 200MB for BIOS purposes. Windows is flexible with it's own RAM usage and will shrink/grow however much it's using based on what's available, same as other applications.

    Most of the time RAM allocated to an application will persist even if not being used until the application is closed, or Windows needs to free up memory for something else.

    Additionally if you do start to reach the capacity of your RAM then that's what page files are for. Windows will write parts of your memory to disk and swap data between it and memory to avoid any applications crashing.

    I mean assets are one thing, but you have to consider that Unity as a program has to be loaded into memory. It's not a lightweight program too.

    If you are serious about developing applications in Unity and other programs, you should consider investing in more RAM. A comfortable working environment should allow you to have all your necessary applications open without hampering your computers performance. RAM is probably one of the more cheaper components to invest in.

    This is the real crime. Browsers do use way too much RAM these days. You could look at Opera browser which lets you specifically set memory limits that it will stick to.
  3. SilverStorm


    Aug 25, 2011