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Unity integration into Xcode ( Swift 4 )

Discussion in 'AR' started by florentin89, Aug 22, 2018.

  1. florentin89


    Aug 22, 2018
    Hi guys. I try to integrate a unity project ( using Unity 2018.2.4f1 - latest one at the moment ) into XCode ( version 9.4.1 - latest stable version at the moment ) and I encounter so so many errors in the last few days but I fixed all of them. Now I have this errors which I really don't know hot to fix them. I researched a lot and nobody have a right answer regarding this errors:

    • "_OBJC_CLASS_$_ARWorldTrackingConfiguration", referenced from: objc-class-ref in ARSessionNative.o
    • "_OBJC_CLASS_$_AROrientationTrackingConfiguration", referenced from: objc-class-ref in ARSessionNative.o
    • "_OBJC_CLASS_$_ARAnchor", referenced from: referenced from: objc-class-ref in ARSessionNative.o
    • "_OBJC_CLASS_$_ARPlaneAnchor", referenced from: objc-class-ref in ARSessionNative.o
    • "_OBJC_CLASS_$_ARSession", referenced from: objc-class-ref in ARSessionNative.o

    Is any chance that any of you to encounter this errors and to know a solution to fix them ?

    My Library Search Path is set correctly if you are wondering about this: $(inherited) $(PROJECT_DIR)/NameOfMyProject/Unity/Libraries

    Also I delete everything from Derived Data folder and I clean the project and rebuild so many times. I tried different versions of Unity to export the project and also I tried different versions of xCode to integrate the Unity project, none of them helped me.

    Here is a screenshot with the errors:

    Errors from Unity ARKit Plugin.png

    Thank you guys !
  2. owenvandijk


    Feb 22, 2017
    Do you link against ARKit.framework in General -> Linked Frameworks and Libraries ?
  3. florentin89


    Aug 22, 2018
    Yes sir I did few days ago and that was the problem.
    Now I have another error from UnityGraphicsMetal. When I launch the app is crashing and nobody know how can I fix this error.
    Here is a screenshot:
    E15D0ADB-8A6C-4529-9AA6-A53D5EFC3394.png CD0E9BC8-96BB-4226-9135-9902331D8D6F.png 130D4226-0039-4403-965D-81F57BC890A6.png

    Thank you if you are reading this !
  4. owenvandijk


    Feb 22, 2017
    Just a guess but did you enable Auto Graphics API in the iOS player settings? If not uncheck it and make sure both iOS and Metal API's are included.

    The other thing I noticed is the that a plugin?