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Feedback Unity Hub 2.0 - Project Upgrade Dialog no longer shows versions!

Discussion in 'Unity Hub' started by jashan, May 15, 2019.

  1. jashan


    Mar 9, 2007
    I'm pretty sure that Unity Hub 1.x definitely, and maybe even Unity Hub 2.0 until recently showed both the old project version and the version that was being upgraded to in the dialog before performing the upgrade. That's the reasonable thing to show.

    Now in the current Unity Hub 2.0 build, I get a generic dialog that only tells me "an older Unity version" and not even the version it's upgrading to.

    That really sucks.

    I'm aware that it shows the project version and Unity version in the list of projects (which I appreciate) - but I need that information in the dialog before I want to press "Confirm".

    Also, the "Unity Version" in the project list isn't persistent, which also isn't great. When I update my main Unity version, I'd actually want to set the new version as default (which also disappeared from 1.x to 2.0), and then have projects automatically use that new default version if it's higher than the project's version. If that isn't possible because you can't bring back the "default Unity installation", at least let me update all projects in the Hub Projects list by simply changing "Unity Version", and then keep that information stored somewhere and do the upgrade when I open that project the next time.
    TofaPT and PRINTALOT like this.