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Question unity gameobject invisible in HoloLens 2 after deployment

Discussion in 'Editor & General Support' started by rsy092736, Dec 13, 2023.

  1. rsy092736


    Nov 24, 2023
    I just started using unity to develop a small app for HoloLens 2 in my uni project. I created some simple unity projects and deployed them to HoloLens 2, the deployments were successful but after that, none of my objects appeared.
    The unity projects I created:
    1. MRTK getting started. Followed this tutorial:

    2. Image Target getting started. Followed this tutorial:

    3. a cube. The other setup steps are similar with 1. but I put only a cube in the scene.
    4. MRTK setup project. Followed this tutorial:

    Details of the problem I'm facing:
    these projects work fine in play mode in unity, there were no error- nor warning massages(in yellow or red sign) weather when I enter or exit play mode. After deployment to HoloLens 2, there were splashed mesh, and microphone confirm was prompted, then nothing happend, no jumping spheres, no "made with unity" logo, no unity gameobjects, nothing.
    I've searched in Internet for answers, but there seemed to be only few same problems and fewer answers. I tried several versions of unity, Visual Studio, vuforia, reinstall them many times, and tried all these again with another laptop, nothing has worked.

    Tools I've tried:
    windows 10, windows 11;
    unity: 2020.3.4f1, 2020.3.11f1, 2020.3.48f1, 2021.3.7f1, 2021.3.33f1, 2022.3.14f1
    visual studio community: 2019, 2022;
    MRTK: 1.0.2209.0;
    vuforia: 10-18-4, 10-19-3

    now I use:
    windows 10;
    unity 2020.3.11f1(project1.&2.), unity 2020.3.4f1(project3.), unity 2021.3.33f1 & unity 2021.3.7f1(project4.);
    Visual Studio 2019;
    MRTK 1.0.2209.0;
    vuforia: 10-18-4;
    could someone help me out with this?
    rokvnu likes this.
  2. rokvnu


    Feb 22, 2024
    I am facing the same problem and i want to know if you got issue fixed?
    thank you for answering!
  3. rsy092736


    Nov 24, 2023
    unfortunately no, I've tried a project , which has succeeded, from my fellow, but the project file he could found, wasn't complete, I would continue to try first with someone else' s sample projects and see what the differences between those and my projects, maybe through this way can I find the problem and solutions. I wish you Good Luck as well.