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Bug Unity Command Line Build Windows 64 bit exe output icon incorrect...

Discussion in 'Editor & General Support' started by RambosRide, May 5, 2022.

  1. RambosRide


    Nov 8, 2020
    So I have unity command line builds setup for 32 bit and 64 bit respectively to output the .exe and files.

    I have assigned our icon in PlayerSettings within the unity editor... and it shows correctly in both BuildSettings -> Architecture = x86 and BuildSettings -> Architecture = x86_64... PlayerSettings -> Default Icon views.

    When I build the Windows 32 bit .exe (x86) from the command line or the unity editor - the icon shows correctly within windows file explorer.

    When I build the Windows 64 bit .exe (x86_64) from the command line; windows explorer shows the unity icon, building from the editor; windows explorer correctly applies our icon.

    Bug is x86_64 architecture build from command line ignores project settings and defaults to unity icon in windows file explorer.

    I can supply screen shots or other information as needed.

