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Unity cloud build and Git Flow recommendations for Continuous Integration

Discussion in 'Unity Build Automation' started by slims, Jun 7, 2019.

  1. slims


    Dec 31, 2013
    My number one operations issue with Unity Cloud right now is that I can basically only have my develop and master branches integrated.

    I want a Unity Cloud build to kick off when a team member pushes their branch, so that we can get immediate feedback during the pull request if the build is failing, rather than waiting until the PR is merged to develop and it failing at that point.

    I've set this up in other non-Unity projects, but using Jenkins (Jenkins scans Bitbucket branches on interval, when new branch is pushed, it builds and then rebuilds on every pushed commit).

    Ideally Unity Cloud build would allow for wildcard branches, but in lieu of that, I think I'm going to need to write and deploy a script somewhere that scans my bitbucket repo for pushed commits on any branch, and then calls the Unity cloud build API to create a new target for that branch.

    Is there an easier way to do this that I'm not seeing? Any recommendations would be helpful.
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