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Unity 5 is coming and more!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Aurore, Mar 18, 2014.

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  1. Aras


    Unity Technologies

    Nov 7, 2005
    I'd expect that should be up on the website once 5.0 beta is public (just like 4.6 beta release notes are online).

    I think most of internal release notes of 5.0 beta aren't very relevant unless you're on 5.0 beta itself (in which case you do know about them)... for example, here's release notes for 5.0 beta9 (betas are coming out each week):

    Beta 9

    Android: Support for x86 as a build target.
    Android: Fat binary support (x86+ARMv7).
    Debugging: Editor always runs in background when a debugger is attached.
    Debugging: Players always run in background when "Script Debugging" is enabled.
    Android: Support for profiling Intel GPU using the Unity Editor.
    Android: Added support for BGRA textures.
    Graphics: Dynamic batching can batch non-uniform scaled objects together when normals/tangents are unused. Helps with shadow caster batching, and unlit shaders.
    Asset Importing: Faster texture conversion into cubemaps & HDR image processing, by multithreading parts of the process.
    Shadows: Added PCF (5x5) filtering for soft directional light shadows. Pick it in Quality Settings. We're considering maybe replacing the old "screenspace blur" with 5x5 PCF as the only built-in option, so feedback is welcome!
    Android: Compensate for polygonOffset bug on Mali 400 GPU.
    TouchInput: Switched timestamps from ms to us internally, to avoid 0-length delta times.
    Android: Avoid reading expensive metrics in DisplayInfo more than once per frame.
    Android: Fixed frame rate on Tegra devices when doing GPU profiling.
    Android: Fixed crash on Xperia Play.
    Android: Disabled shadows for Intel PowerVR devices to avoid graphics artifacts.
    Android: Dropped support for OpenGL ES 3 auto selection for devices running Android 4.1 and 4.2.
    Android: Fixed some old devices that crashed when target graphics API was set to "Auto".
    Graphics: Fixed occasional crash on creating and immediately deleting particle renderer.
    Graphics: Fixed crashes on toggling Direct3D 11 mode.
    Graphics: Fixed linear lighting mode being preserved but not editable when opening Pro project in the free version of Unity.Editor: Empty animation window no longer increases CPU usage.
    Editor: Fixed: Error thrown when closing asset label list with escape key.
    Editor: Fix keyboard shortcuts (home/end/page up/page down) in object selector.
    Version Control: Revert recursively.
    Version Control: Auto connect when connection is dropped.
    Version Control: Fix plugin stop when reading a recent deleted file.
    Version Control: Fix case handling on windows when downloading files.
    Version Control: Remove out-of-sync state when file is deleted on server.
    Version Control: Do not print a warning when saving scene and file is not opened for edit unless necessary.
    VFS: Fix double slashes when enumerating directories on mac and posix.
    Editor: Opening multiple locked inspectors works.
    Editor: Select Dependencies operation no longer breaks editor fonts.
    Editor: Tooltips use current skin instead always using light skin.
    Editor: Fix errors thrown when pressing Esc to close asset label popup.
    Editor: Fix navigation keyboard shortcuts in object selector.
    Editor: Ensure screen width and height in player settings is at least 1.

    Improvements to 5.0 features:
    GI: Added ability to adjust how much processing power (CPU only) is allocated to realtime GI. Exposed in Editor UI.
    AudioMixer: Auto dock AudioMixer window together with project browser and use vertical layout by default.
    Fixes to 5.0 features and 5.0 regression fixes:
    Shaders: Fixed scene load time regressions in Editor, due to excessive shader compilation.
    Scene View: Fixed garbage background when legacy deferred & shadows are used.
    Shaders: Fixed crash in shader loading code when not meeting GPU requirements.
    Editor: Double click on GO in scene view now frames selected.
    Editor: Fix Hierarchy custom sorting broke in beta8.
    Editor: Warn when deleting prefab child GO's.
    Editor: Double click on GO in scene view now frames selected again.​
    ITCL_RV, Trigve and Reanimate_L like this.
  2. Reanimate_L


    Oct 10, 2009
    Thanks Aras, yeah i know maybe it's bit irelevant for non close beta user, But for the other it can be a great information. It would be great if every beta changelog are posted in here.
  3. Aras


    Unity Technologies

    Nov 7, 2005
    Here are notes from two older betas, because why not.

    Unity 5.0 Beta 7

    Android: Added proper support for MouseDrag event.
    Android: Export now works for projects that use UnityPlayerActivity or UnityPlayerProxyActivity.
    Android: Fixed support for external display when it is reconnected while app is running.
    iOS: Added iOS 8 Metal support. Metal is used automatically on supported systems (iOS8 and A7 or later). There's an option under Player Settings to choose GLES if needed.
    iOS: Added iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus support
    Mecanim: Added Utility function AnimatorController.FindStateMachineBehaviourContext(StateMachineBehaviour behaviour) which return the controller, state and layer index containing this instance.
    Windows Store Apps: Chinese Traditional and Simplified languages are now detected and reported, instead of always returning generic Chinese

    GI: Renamed Renderer.lightmapTilingOffset to Renderer.lightmapScaleOffset. Handled automatically be the API Upgrader.
    Mac OS X Standalone: Data folder has moved to Content/Resources, in accordance with Apple guidelines
    Mecanim: AnimationUtility.SetAnimationClipSettings now public
    Mecanim: Changed profiling detail to see more information for the Animator evaluation pipeline
    Scripting: C# compiler defaults script encoding to UTF8.
    Windows Store Apps: Removed support for C++ Visual Studio projects .

    Animation: Support the case that both SkinnedMeshRenderer and Animator are on the same GameObject (optimised mode).
    Deployment Management: Display Enlighten's build stage when building player
    Editor: Unity will output a proper error regarding incompatible CPU architectures on Mac OS X when failing to load native libraries. For ex., You cannot load 32 bit native libraries on 64 bit Editor
    Shaders: Massively improved shader loading performance, and reduced memory consumption.
    By default, internal shader variants are only loaded when actually needed (typically a lot of shader variants are never actually needed).
    Added ShaderVariantCollection asset type for ability to manually preload/warmup shader variants, to avoid hiccups later on. This is like Shader.WarmupAllShaders, done in a better way.
    Editor can track shaders & their variants used in scene or play mode, and create ShaderVariantCollection out of them (button in Graphics Settings).
    Graphics Settings have a list of ShaderVariantCollection assets to preload at game startup. Can also warmup them from a script.​

    Asset Import: Fixed possible crash when upgrading metadata files
    Asset Importer: Support the manifest file in text importer
    AssetBundle: Fix the typo in .manifest file
    AssetBundle: Remove duplicate objects when building with BuildAssetBundleExplicitAssetNames(). Also output more meaningful log information for assetBundle object.
    Assets Management: Fix the "input objects must be of exact same type" error message
    D3D11: Fixed an issue which caused some objects not be rendered if shadows are enabled in the scene on feature level 9.x
    Debugger: Allow evaluation of methods with string literal parameters
    Deployment Management: Simpler "Force Single Instance" error message on Windows
    Editor: Don't ignore assets whose names contain "StreamingAssets"
    Editor: Fixed editor errors when undoing the insertion of a new LOD level in LOD group.
    Graphics: Make sure to never use soft particles when in orthographic camera, since depth-based fadeout does not work there.
    GUI: Fix line spacing when multiple sizes are used in text markup
    GUI: Fix text cursor vertical position
    Mac OS X Standalone: Fix crash changing resolution in batch mode
    Mecanim: Delayed the graph rebuild when deleting transitions to fix a bug when deleting multiple transitions
    Mecanim: Fixed evaluate of Curves with only one key
    Mecanim: Propagated Animator invalidation on modification to AnimatorOverrideController to fix a crash when changing speed
    NavMesh: Fixed crash when calling NavMeshManager::Triangulate without baked data
    Packages: Fix importing package with long paths on Windows
    Physics: Fix crash when applying force to inactive Rigidbody
    Scripting: Fix some cases when using a class name that collides with an internal class name in a different namespace (e.g. BuildSettings)
    Scripting: Fix StackOverflowException handling on 64-bit Windows
    Scripting: Fixed issue with generated projects (.csproj) sometimes not having a reference to UnityEngine.UI.dll
    Serialization: Fix the error message when removing an object in a custom inspector
    WebPlayer: Correctly verify generic reference type constraint for generic parameter with type constraint which is a reference type
    Windows Store Apps: fix UnityScript breaks exported solution with SDK 8.0
    Windows Store Apps: fix WebCam not being detected first time creating WebCamTexture with empty device name on x86
    Windows Store Apps: regenerate test certificate, if it was deleted
    Windows Store/Phone: Cloth.coefficients now work correctly

    Changes to 5.0 features
    GI: Renamed MaterialProperty.PropFlags.NoTilingOffset to MaterialProperty.PropFlags.NoScaleOffset and the corresponding shader tag as well. The shader tag is upgraded automatically.
    Graphics: Removed Hemisphere render settings ambient mode; Sky+Equator+Ground is a better superset of it anyway.
    Graphics: Renamed "Skybox exposure" in render settings UI to "skybox amount" to be less confusing.

    Improvements to 5.0 features
    Editor: Added StandardShaderGUI.cs to
    Editor: StandardShader GUI now has tooltips for all maps describing what channels of the maps are used
    GI: Fixed a bunch of harmless errors about the geometry not fitting into maximum-system-size sized texture. In such case the resolution is clamped.
    GI: Added Renderer.realtimeLightmapScaleOffset property.
    GI: Allow for cluster resolution to go down to 0.1 instead of 0.25.
    GI: Exposed MeshRenderer.additionalVertexStreams scripting API.
    GI: Improved albedo and emissive rendering; removes occasional bleeding between charts.
    GI: Introduced bake settings into Enlighten system build parameters; lightmap atlases are automatically split for different bake system parameters.
    GI: Reworked scripting API docs for EnlightenSystemBuildParameters.
    Merging: Rephrase merge selection dialog to make it less confusing
    Merging: Special case MonoBehavior script change and serialized fields for the script
    Reflection Probes: Component has its own icon now.

    Fixes to 5.0 features and 5.0 regression fixes
    Editor: Fix crash when Unity is launched from path that contains non-ASCII characters.
    Editor: Fixed material / inspector previews being somewhat wrong when using Linear color space.
    Editor: Fix that Standard shader inspector doesn't offer to fix texture that is not marked as normal map
    Editor: Select all text in TextField on mouse up if selection is empty
    Editor: Set minimum drag difference for move tool
    GI: Fixed baked lightmaps to not be called reflection probes.
    GI: Fixed building standalone players with Enlighten data.
    GI: Fixed static batching messing with realtime GI.
    GI: Fixed the object preview in the Lightmapping window being rendered in the wrong place on Mac.
    Graphics: Do not add default skybox & light in new scenes if editor behavior is set to 2D.
    Graphics: Do not explode player build time if Standard shader is included into "Always Included Shaders" list in graphics settings.
    Graphics: Show note in scene render settings inspector if fog & deferred shading is used.
    IL2Cpp: Fixed exception when using FindObjectOfType
    Mac OS X Standalone: Fix wrong handling of Cmd-Key combinations
    Mecanim: Fixed bug for StateMachineBehaviour.OnStateMachineEnter/OnStateMachineExit, in some case the callback was made on the wrong state machine
    Mecanim: Fixed StateMachineBehaviours always overidding OnAnimatorMove even if function was not implemented
    Merging: Abort on missing YAML header because it is probably binary serialized scenes/prefabs
    Merging: Break transform cycles for more than one level cycles
    Merging: Handle breaking transform cycles on prefab instances
    Merging: Handle case of one side deleting a prefab and the other side breaking prefab link
    Profiler: Fix memory used total always being shown as 4GB on OSX.
    Reflection Probes: Fix incorrect behavior of 'Render Dynamic Objects' in the component.
    Reflection Probes: Fixed box projection issues when objects are crossing the probe box boundary.
    Reflection Probes: Renderer's AABB now has to only intersect probe's AABB instead of being completely inside to be affected by the probe.
    Shaders: Fixed normal map not taking effect if switching legacy shader into Standard shader.
    Shaders: Fixed parallax mapping not working in Standard shader when in deferred shading.
    Shaders: Fixed wrong lighting on non-uniform scaled objects in Standard shader.
    WebGL: .htaccess file is now simplified to work on more servers
    WebGL: Alpha channel is now correctly handled in back buffer
    WebGL: Left/Right modifier keys are now properly distinguished.
    WebGL: Properly invoke virtual methods as targets of delegates
    WebGL: Shadows now work in Safari
    WebGL: SystemInfo now reports more information, like the OS and browser used
    WebGL: Updated emscripten with various fixes
    Windows Store/Phone: Fixed a crash which occured when trying to pass structs through SendMessage()
    Windows Store/Windows Phone 8.1: Native DLLs are correctly copied to the target directory once again
    Windows Store: Fixed building project with Debugging C# projects checkbox checked​

    Unity 5.0 Beta 8

    Graphics: Added MaterialPropertyBlock SetFloat/Vector/Color/Matrix/Texture functions. They add a value or replace an existing value.
    Graphics: Rendering code optimized to reduce amount of material SetPass calls. Reflection probes, light probes and lightmap UV transform state changes are now internally applied via MaterialPropertyBlocks without requiring a full SetPass. This reduces cost on the main thread to send commands to the render thread, and on the the render thread the driver overhead is reduced.

    Editor: Fix GO not selectable by label icon
    Editor: Fix rename overlay is not removed when undoing
    Editor: Fixed Skybox components not taken into account in camera preview popup
    Editor: Warn in Render Settings UI when a skybox with nonsensical shader is used
    Graphics: Fixed Skybox not rendering with some edge cases of supported vs. not supported shaders
    Physics: 2D physics colliders now correctly transform under full 3D rotation.
    Shadows: Fixed some cases where alpha-tested shadow caster objects were wrongly batched together, even if they used different textures.
    Windows Phone: Texture2D.ReadPixels now works correctly in landscape modes.

    Changes to 5.0 features
    GI: Moved shadow samples from light to lightmap parameters, as that's the granularity supported by Enlighten. Property is called directLightQuality as it affects not only shadowing, but also lighting calculations.
    GI: Renamed EnlightenSystemBuildParameters to LightmapParameters.
    Graphics: Renamed BuiltinRenderTextureType.CurrentTarget to CameraTarget.

    Improvements to 5.0 features
    AudioMixer: Show a toggle button for editing the current target snapshot in playmode in the inspector for mixer groups
    Editor: Simplify Cubemap convolution UI in texture import settings.
    GI: Exposed more Enlighten lightmap parameters: AODistance, AOQuality, AOAntiAliasingSamples, postprocessingFilterSize, directLightQuality.
    GI: Switched realtime lightmaps to use RGBM encoding. Decoding is now cheaper and matches baked lightmaps.
    Graphics: Improvements to CommandBuffers:
    Added SetGlobalFloat/Vector/Color/Matrix/Texture.
    Added optional MaterialPropertyBlock to DrawMesh.
    Ability to specify texture filtering mode to GetTemporaryRT.
    More variants to Blit (taking RenderTargetIdentifier to cover more cases).
    Camera inspector displays command buffers set on the camera.
    Exposed BuiltinRenderTextureType.PrepassLight and PrepassLightSpec.
    Added Camera.RemoveCommandBuffers, RemoveAllCommandBuffers, commandBufferCount.​
    Shaders: Shadows from alpha-blended objects using Standard shader are much better now. Not ideal, but not as bad as before :)
    SpeedTree: Wind animation now smoothly transitions when wind zones change. Optimized internal memory usage. Please set proper "responsiveness" parameter in SpeedTree Modeler so that trees stop animation quickly enough when wind is gone. Please also make sure to regenerate all the tree materials.
    WebGL: Improvements to reduce build time

    Fixes to 5.0 features and 5.0 regression fixes
    Android: Fixed text rendering on Tegra devices and possibly other graphics issues.
    AudioMixer: Fix that no mixer properties was showing in the inspector if the AudioMixer window was not showing
    Editor: Fix multi-edting of blend mode in the Standard shader gui
    Editor: Warn about non-trilinear reflection cubemaps in the UI.
    GI: Fixed an issue with empty meshes causing GI to not be able to get past the geometry stage.
    GI: Fixed baking rectangular terrain.
    GI: Fixed GI being broken in play mode when it was baked in On Demand mode.
    GI: Fixed the standalone player failing to open some GI files.
    GI: Fixed various lightmap snapshot bugs with reflection probes.
    Graphics: Fix light culling with custom projection matrix
    Graphics: Fixed dynamic batching performance issues on OS X.
    Graphics: Fixed issues with dynamic batching and vertex colors on Direct3D.
    Graphics: Fixed occlusion culling performance on large scenes.
    Graphics: Fixed reference counting in Camera.GetCommandBuffers.
    Graphics: Fixed swapped front/back stencil modes with Direct3D 11 render to texture.
    Graphics: Renamed "Legacy Deferred (two pass)" to "Legacy Deferred (light prepass)" in the UI.
    Graphics: Fix Image filters targeting a render texture when a camera doesn't clear the color buffer
    Merging: Fix premerge fallback when run from inside the editor
    MonoDevelop: Fixed missing main menu bar on OSX.
    Reflection Probes: Remove obsolete ghost gizmo, which was visible when rotating reflection probe.
    Reflection Probes: Restore Refresh button in Render Settings, which can be used for refreshing global ambient reflections.
    Reflection Probes: When baking probes, sun light will be ignored.
    Shaders: Added "[HDR]" texture property flag. Textures marked as HDR in shaders will show warnings in material inspector, if an incompatible texture is assigned.
    Shaders: Fixed "#pragma enable_d3d11_debug_symbols" crashing on Mac.
    Shaders: Fixed crash when removing runtime-unsupported shader variants.
    Shaders: Fixed occasional error messages when using Standard shader and switching graphics emulation to Shader Model 2.0 in the editor.
    Shaders: Fixed wrong shader name printed in log messages on GLSL platforms, if particular GLSL shader was not supported.​
    ITCL_RV, Trigve and Reanimate_L like this.
  4. Deleted User

    Deleted User


    But the big question: when U5 will be available for us?
    ITCL_RV, EssyTech and MrEsquire like this.
  5. Reanimate_L


    Oct 10, 2009

    Awesome....can we get something like this every week?? :D
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2014
  6. JDMulti


    Jan 4, 2012
    Shouldn't there be a topic to post only these change logs? It's good to read such things, since we can already read that some things change, instead of plowing trough the whole documentation again with trial and error. :)

    Besides that, it keeps the pace of unity 5.x development transparant.
  7. the_motionblur


    Mar 4, 2008
    Can't wait to test the public Beta......
  8. Grohowiak


    Mar 20, 2012
    I wish we knew the release date.
    I'm about to start working on my game and being a solo dev it takes a while to get it done.
    Would suck to find out 2-3 months down the road that 5 has arrived.
  9. LaneFox


    Jun 29, 2011
    There are two simple choices.

    1. Wait patiently because you can't change the release date.
    2. Use the tools that are currently available.
  10. VicToMeyeZR


    Jun 3, 2012
    That most likely will be the case... 2-3 months sounds about right.
  11. Carpe-Denius


    May 17, 2013
    Work on your game. Write your scripts, make your artwork (well, probably not specular maps..), program your GUI in 4.6 beta. You can transfer it to U5 when it arrives and use the new tools for new stuff (lighting, shader etc).

    I had everything converted from U4 to U5 in under ten minutes, most API-changes will get changed automatically.
  12. Moonjump


    Apr 15, 2010
    I asked a long time ago if any existing features have been removed from Unity 5, but never saw an answer. someone is reporting in another thread that 3D Text is missing from 4.6. Will 3D Text be available in 5? It is a big problem if it isn't.
  13. hippocoder


    Digital Ape

    Apr 11, 2010
    It's never a big problem. Everyone says "BIIIIG problem" when really it just means you use the valid replacement. Beast will be gone, but you can bake just fine with Enlighten. In short, there aren't less features.
  14. Eric5h5


    Volunteer Moderator Moderator

    Jul 19, 2006
    It's not missing. When they got rid of the terrain menu and implemented a different way to access it, that didn't mean the terrain was "missing" either....

  15. hippocoder


    Digital Ape

    Apr 11, 2010
  16. Soumikbhat


    Nov 23, 2013
    Will unity 5 not run on 32-bit systems? :O
    I hope it does :(
  17. Aras


    Unity Technologies

    Nov 7, 2005
    Unity-built games will work on 32 bit systems just fine (just like in 4.x).

    The Unity 5.0 editor will ship both 32 bit and 64 bit on Windows, and 64-bit only on Mac (because it looks like no one is using 32 bit Macs anyway).
    sqallpl and Baldinoboy like this.
  18. Baldinoboy


    Apr 14, 2012
    Thanks for the info. With the 64 bit program will you notice any difference if you still have 4gb of RAM?
  19. Aras


    Unity Technologies

    Nov 7, 2005
    Short answer: if you're running out of memory in current Unity, then 64 bit will likely help.

    Longer answer: Typical things that are different between 32 and 64 bit. Can use more memory in the process (less likely to run out of memory - even if you only have 4GB of RAM since address space is larger). More registers in 64 bit, so some code can run faster. But pointers are larger than in 32 bit, so some code can run slower.
    sqallpl, Baldinoboy and shkar-noori like this.
  20. Baldinoboy


    Apr 14, 2012
    Cool. Thanks for the response.
  21. Alewx11


    Oct 23, 2014
    What if there is a game out with unity 4.5.2 which uses 64bit player and runs into memory access violation problems?
    Unity5 will be rockstable with that or is it just the editor that gets the x64 environment?
  22. Aras


    Unity Technologies

    Nov 7, 2005
    That sounds like "a crash", and not "it ran out of memory". Crashes should be fixed, and we fix a lot of them each week. Report a bug with the information & a repro project.
  23. Alewx11


    Oct 23, 2014
    That would be something SQUAD would have to do. The forum is filled with reports of this particular one, and it is only occurring to 64bit in the community it is a memory problem. It crashes yes, but it is not "oom" but "access violation".
    I was just curious if "access violation" is something that is more known inside unity.
  24. Aras


    Unity Technologies

    Nov 7, 2005
    "Access violation" means "a crash", and it means some code did something it wasn't supposed to do (in access violation case -> accessing memory address it shouldn't have). Could be a bug in Unity, or a bug in whatever game you're referring to, or in a plugin that they might be using, etc.

    Anyway, that doesn't sound like Unity 5.0 specific at all.
  25. Alewx11


    Oct 23, 2014
    Kerbal Space Program. But I'm not a developer of it, so that are question far above my knowledge.
  26. peter_on


    Jan 8, 2009
    Hope unity can put in more effort to improve WebGL before beta shipping.
    Angrybot is a not a "real life" example, take some of the projects from assetstore to compile and you will know what i mean ;-)
  27. Andy-Touch


    A Moon Shaped Bool Unity Legend

    May 5, 2014
    Did you miss Dead Trigger 2 (A mobile game) in WebGL?

    Or Owlchemy Labs' Aaaa! For The Awesome in WebGL?

    Both of which are fully-fledged 'real-life' games.
  28. jerotas


    Sep 4, 2011
    Hi, I have a question about Unity 5. Will the custom rolloff curve of Audio Source finally by accessible via script? I really need that for our Master Audio plugin. Otherwise it leads to some (perceived as) unneeded workarounds when you want to use the same custom curve for many audio clips.
  29. Randhall


    Feb 21, 2013
    Hey guys I just watched the new tutorial videos on standard shader on YouTube.
    I noticed that standard shader is using the PBR materials using Specular maps.
    Is there any chance that Unity will support the Pixar Metalic based PBR shader as well ?
    I'm asking cause I'm creating a library of content that i would like to publish on Asset Store once unity 5 hits the deck and I am authoring most of my content in the Pixar format (It is way more popular in the gaming industry) rather than the Specular format ? (Specularity based PBR is more popular int the materials/research industry, as material scanners output specular values rather than metalics) I know it's a bit selfish but I would love if there would be an option to chose which PBR mode you want to use. (The guys from allegorithmic have a converter between those two so it should be possible to create a standard shader that uses both texture styles and then just converts to the one you are optimizing against under the hood :) ) Also I'm loving the Enlighten and PBR pipeline videos keep up the great work guys. Can't wait for the open beta :D
  30. sama-van


    Jun 2, 2009
    Does Unity5 Beta include both Vita and XboxOne platform?
    A bit tired to have 3 Unity on my machine.. =_=#... and even working with 4.3 T___T....
  31. peter_on


    Jan 8, 2009
    U5 beta has the placeholder for Vita XboxOne plugin .
    Talk to a SCE representative a few days ago, and they don't even know if there is a plan to support u5 :)
  32. SaraCecilia


    Jul 9, 2014
    shkar-noori likes this.
  33. VicToMeyeZR


    Jun 3, 2012
    I broke down and upgraded. I told y'all I wanted to. I was holding out, hoping for a drop in price. O well, can't win them all. :)
    MrEsquire likes this.
  34. KEngelstoft


    Unity Technologies

    Aug 13, 2013
    Yes, GI is supported in both DX9 and DX11.
  35. Anubis75


    Jul 29, 2013
    I have installed Unity 5 Beta since 2h ago.. well.. i downloaded 2 assets, (BIG Environment Pack 1.5) and a mecanim asset.. Crash Crash Crash.. this is funny, but its beta :)
  36. StarManta


    Oct 23, 2006
    Hope you're filing crash reports! They need those.
  37. Archania


    Aug 27, 2010
    Wonder if that has something to do with the assets instead of 5...
  38. Anubis75


    Jul 29, 2013
    @StarManta yes i send the Reports

    @Archania: Its funny, after Import a Asset, Crashs Unity at start, one of the assets in the Probertyfolder was the Problem.

    Now i have a Project, its works in Unity, if i make a Binary, i become a crashdump...
  39. Xoduz


    Apr 6, 2013
    Hm. Tried to pre-order Unity 5.0, but store page lists my Unity Pro 4.x license (bought in and used since May last year) as 3.x, and wants $1500 for the upgrade :/
  40. Anubis75


    Jul 29, 2013
    Some Infos about my issue from yesterday.
    All the Problems with the Crashes in my Testproject are fixet with the Beta 5 11 Client. Yesterday ive used the 9

    @Xoduz: If you are a Student then go to Otherwise Subscribethe License. If every year Comes a new Version is Subscribe cheaper *think*
  41. Baldinoboy


    Apr 14, 2012
    75*12= 900. So $900 a year to subscribe. If there is a new version every one or two years than it is much cheaper to just upgrade. I think it is $650 to upgrade to the next version. Correct me if I am wrong.

    I think $75 is high. I understand for short term use but I sure hope no one is staying on for more than a few months. Will take a lot of their money. Just buy pro if you have the money.
  42. Anubis75


    Jul 29, 2013
    Why is $75 hight? in case of 24 Month, and without any preversions: (between the new Versions was 2 years time, since 2010 with Unity 3, 2012 with Unity 4, and now Unity 5)

    Subscribe: 24 * $75 = $1800
    Buy: 1 Time $1500 + Update $650 = $2150
    Looks for me, subscribe is cheaper :)
  43. StarManta


    Oct 23, 2006
    And then one more update and buying outright becomes cheaper.

    Subscribe: 48 * $75 = $3600
    Buy: 1 Time $1500 + Update $650 + Update $650 = $2800

    The longer you plan to use Unity, the worse a deal subscription becomes.
    shkar-noori likes this.
  44. Baldinoboy


    Apr 14, 2012
    Unity has a major release every two years not every year. If it was every year it would be better to subscribe.

    For four years of pro use:

    subscribe: 48*$75= $3600

    buy: $1500 + $650 = $2150

    4 years is one update. For the next two years to use 7.x pro you pay another $650 to update instead of $1800 to subscribe.

    Of course release times might change and prices might change so like everything in life the future is a mysteryo_O.
  45. Anubis75


    Jul 29, 2013
    thank you for the Info
  46. zenGarden


    Mar 30, 2013
    75$ is high indeed for small indies and one man team projects , but it's a cheap price for bigger indie or gaming companies.
    It feels like Unity could choose to do like Autodesk or UE4 and will choose subscription model only.Like Photoshop, once you propose some subscription it becomes the only way to get new versions, i think Unity subscription is the beginning of transition to that new payment method.
    Let's wait UT5 release to verify all that.
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2014
  47. Baldinoboy


    Apr 14, 2012
    Let us hope not. Unless it is something like Photoshop and UE4 and be $20 then lets hope so;).

    Honestly I do no care. I just want to try Unity 5. $1500, $75, or free I do not care. Just want to get my hands on it:).
  48. zenGarden


    Mar 30, 2013
    1500$ is pretty hight to just get hands on PBS or Enlighten, calm down put some 20$ on UE4 and you'll have tried some as good engine. 75$ is over a year so that's expensive also.
  49. Andy-Touch


    A Moon Shaped Bool Unity Legend

    May 5, 2014
    We have already confirmed that U5 will have a free version (feature split between free/pro not decided yet). Just wait until then if you want to try it out and can't afford the preorder upgrade. :)
  50. Baldinoboy


    Apr 14, 2012
    I think zenGarden meant the pro version might switch to a subscription. Also to check out PBS in UE4 just to see it in full glory in case the free version does not get deferred(legacy at least), HDR, render textures, and Linear color space. Like you said the feature split in undecided so we have no idea. For now for $20 we can experience PBS in UE4. Will not be making a project in UE4(Unity for that) but just play around with it to test models with current-gen graphics. That is what I am using it for at least.

    By the way. Like the profile picture. Like a Dr. Zoidberg dog:).
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