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[Unity 5 b18-20] Upgrade from 4.6 errors (Prefab has multiple Transform...)

Discussion in 'Unity 5 Pre-order Beta' started by bsterling250DI, Jan 21, 2015.

  1. bsterling250DI


    Sep 25, 2014
    "Prefab has multiple Transform components! Removing them automatically would not be safe."

    I tried importing our web player game from 4.6 in unity 5 and there are about 8-10 of this error getting spit out and it doesn't tell me WHAT prefab has an issue or how to fix it.

    I haven't seen anyone mention this, I have a feeling it has something to do with older prefabs being converted to the new nested prefab system but the closest i could find are uGUI examples for scrollbars and sliders.

    It doesn't seem to stop compiling in the editor, but I'd like to know if we can get some more detailed information in the error messages related to something like that.

    Also, is there any way for the error messages that say "Missing Component/Script" on an object to list the name of the component that is missing? or at least its GUID so we can look it up?