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Unity 4.3 - Generic Animation not working anymore

Discussion in 'Animation' started by GamebookStudio, Dec 4, 2013.

  1. GamebookStudio


    Sep 18, 2013
    since the update to 4.3.0f4 or even 4.3.1f1 (from 4.2f) one of our Generic Rig characters is not playing animations correctly. If we revert Unity back to 4.2 the animation running correctly. At the moment it looks like the bones are affecting the the whole mesh instead of each seperate bone.

    The Mesh is like a floating sphere, with only some bones for basic animations and for some moving tubes - so a humanoid rig is not needed, but generic is not working ...

    Our workflow:

    Mesh with RIG (.FBX)
    • Rig: Generic
    • Avatar Definition: Create from this Model
    • root: Mesh_RIG/root
    • Optimize Game Object: false

    Animations (Motionbuilder) (.FBX)
    • Rig: Create from Other Avatar
    • Source: >>Avatar from above<<

    Did anything change for the animation workflow for generic meshes in 4.3 ? Or what did we do wrong ? :|

    Deadline is aproaching so posted here and also on Answers:
  2. GamebookStudio


    Sep 18, 2013
    bump ?

    I can send a small unity package if thats the problem. This really needs to get fixed in the next days :sad:
  3. zuzzu


    Feb 2, 2013
    I use exactly the same settings and have the same problem since update to Unity 4.3. All characters are in the T-pose.

    Please look into this asap.
  4. zuzzu


    Feb 2, 2013
    Taking into account what I've found so far it doesn't matter if it is Generic or Humanoid animation.

    The problem shows up when you have two models. You use model A to generate the avatar while model B uses avatar from A and it is displayed on the scene. Everything is cool if both models have exactly the same hierarchy or being more specific - have the same path to the root bone. If these paths differ there will be no animations on model B. It was working correctly before Unity 4.3.

    Such workflow is very practical in my case as I use different software to export animations (model A) and to export models used for rendering (model B). I've no idea how to make that work in my case. I can't go back to Unity 4.2 as there was another bug unrelated to animation which was driving me crazy!

    Edit: The weirdest thing is that the problem persists in humanoid animations even if I set A and B to create it's own avatars.

    As far as I understand humanoid animations was supposed to store skeletal structure in a form which is independent from the underlying skeletons to allow retargeting etc.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2013
  5. GamebookStudio


    Sep 18, 2013
    Sorry for the late reply, work work work :D

    No problems with our humanoid characters. Except one with new Animation file where the head bone was named "head 1", but that was easily fixed in the avatar definition configurator of the mesh .FBX - you can rename bones there and Re-Tpose the model. Unfortunatly unity doesnt have the "same" Rig editor for generic meshes.

    We did check for renamed bones but atleast in 3ds Max Scematic View they look the same (see attachment).
    $Scematic View.jpg

    Apart from that we didnt changed the Mesh or Animations over 2 months but they broke with Unity 4.3
  6. zuzzu


    Feb 2, 2013
    Indeed, humanoid animations are working correctly. It was a bug in my code.

    Still no luck with generic ones.

    I'm surprised that this setup doesn't work for you. I can play animations between generic rigs as long as they have the same path to the root joint. Maybe after you export the first mesh to fbx your software creates a wrapper object for "EVIL_GAME" and "EVIL_RIG", but not in the second case?
  7. EstevooSouza


    Mar 2, 2012
    Hello, sorry I'm quite late ^^
    I hope you've already solve this question, if no, I was passing through the same S*** xD
    My animations would work at all, so I had to delete all of them and reeimport, maybe it's the meta file... Idk