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UNITY 2018.3.9f failed writing bake system resource file

Discussion in 'Editor & General Support' started by DeathRace26, Aug 5, 2019.

  1. DeathRace26


    May 26, 2019
    I have pretty low baked lightmap resolution set on my terrain, but i still get this error with lowest settings possible. It says: baking resources job failed with error code 5: failed writing bake system resource file. I dont know what is this related to, but i have 180 gb free memory on my hdd and gi cache memory limit is set to 150 gb. I still have these issues even after disabling antivirus. Cleaned GI cache many times. What the hell. I have no idea how to fix that and without having my terrain baked i have like 20 fps. With terrain disabled, i have 80 fps. I even tried to look up on these forums but every issue with this is related to reading, not writing. Why unity cant write??? Please help, im desperate :(