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Unet networked rigidbody.velocity glitch on client used command

Discussion in 'UNet' started by omerselman, Apr 1, 2018.

  1. omerselman


    Mar 5, 2016
    In my soccer game i use unet and there is a glitch on client which kicks the ball. The host and other clients dont see this glitch but the client which kicks the ball only sees it. The ball is intend to move back about one unit backwards and than forwards. I pass the direction from player script to ball script with command and ball sends clientcallback to clients about his behaviour. Even i connect with more clients, the host and other clients sees it as it should be but the kicker sees the glitch. Ball is positioned away from player and player pass its forward to ball to give the direction but the kickers ball seems it moves back and forward. The commands and rpcs and callbacks are all functional. I have to point out that it happenes only on the kicker client, not on host or other clients.
    Any idea ?

    Solved. kind of .... Thanks again to this great community for their answers(!) you are the best!
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2018