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Understading Layout element - Min size and preferible size

Discussion in 'UGUI & TextMesh Pro' started by Suduckgames, Oct 17, 2018.

  1. Suduckgames


    Nov 28, 2016
    Hi, I have been some time working with unity, and I am trying to get a better understand of the UI system.

    I am a mobile developer and I am redesigning the UI but I am unable to achieve what I want.

    My game is portrait and I have a panel. I want the panel to have a maximum width of 1080. In case that the panel doesn't fit in the screen when the aspect ratio is less ( like new iPhone X) . I want it to shrink it a bit with a minimum of 700. In the case that the screen is larger than 1080 ( like iPad pro). I want the panel to have the maximum size.

    Visual of what I want to achieve.

    Nexus 6P ( 1080x1920)------------------------------------------------------------iPhone X(1125x2436)
    1920x1080.png iPhoneX.png

    iPad pro (2048x2732)

    I have been playing with layout element and content size fitter without good result

    If I set the min width size to 700 and preferred size to 1080 nothing happen (even playing with flexible width)

    If I set the content size fitter. If I choose the preferred size it just get always the preferred size and same with min.

    How these elements works, and how I can achieve the desired effect?

    Canvas configuration:

  2. Antistone


    Feb 22, 2014
    Try making an object that is the full width of your screen and has a HorizontalLayoutGroup, then make your panel a child of that. Remove the ContentSizeFitter but keep the LayoutElement.

    You might need to add additional invisible objects on the right and left of your panel with a Flexible Width to "take up the slack" when the screen is wider than the preferred size, but I don't think that's necessary.

    See also:
    Suduckgames likes this.
  3. Suduckgames


    Nov 28, 2016
    It worked, thank you man. No needed to add the invisible objects!