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Bug unable to sign into unity hub

Discussion in 'Unity Hub' started by thomasspore, Aug 26, 2022.

  1. thomasspore


    Aug 18, 2022
    i have been trying to import assets from the asset store but i am unable due to not being able to sign into the unity hub, i have no information about why this is occurring but i can give all information i know about the hub, it is version 3.2.0 i have unity 2202.1.13f1 and unity 2021.3.8f1, the unity hub does not give any error messages or anything of the sort but when i am at school it does not allow me to sign in, i have 0 fire walls enabled at the current moment and the WIFI should not be causing this as other people in my classes have been able to sign in, another error i am having is when i go to the learn tab and go to featured it says "something went wrong please try again" any help would be much appreciated. thank you in advance and sorry for the limited information i can give on the issue