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Unable to build in VS due to numerous erros with packages

Discussion in 'Editor & General Support' started by Wannabeuk, Jul 12, 2018.

  1. Wannabeuk


    Feb 19, 2013
    So i've recently devloped an issue where i cannot build from inside visual studio. I can run the game from unity without an issue, but i cannot attach to debug due to these build errors. There are 144 errors so I wont post them all, Below is a few (slightly edited for brevity)

    Source file 'E:\Game Dev\...\Packages\com.unity.textmeshpro\Scripts\Runtime\FastAction.cs' could not be found. Unity.TextMeshPro
    Source file 'E:\Game Dev\...\Packages\com.unity.textmeshpro\Scripts\Runtime\TMP_ColorGradient.cs' could not be found. Unity.TextMeshPro
    Source file 'E:\Game Dev\...\Packages\com.unity.package-manager-ui\Editor\Sources\Services\Interfaces\IRemoveOperation.cs' could not be found. Unity.PackageManagerUI.Editor
    Metadata file 'E:\Game Dev\...\Temp\UnityVS_bin\Debug\Unity.PackageManagerUI.Editor.dll.dll' could not be found Restaurateur.Plugins
    Metadata file 'E:\Game Dev\...\Temp\UnityVS_bin\Debug\Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll.dll' could not be found Restaurateur

    Additional information:
    The UnityVS_bin/Debug folder is indeed blank.

    I have tried the usual solutions, deleted the csproj and sln files, the library folder.
    Re-installed unity from scratch.
    Tried a new project (exact same errors)

    I've also noticed that now the solution Unity generates has a number of projects such as UnityEditor.StandardEvents and Unity.TextMeshPro about about 4 others. Not sure if this is normal now

    I'm at a complete loss, any suggestions would be appreciated.
  2. Wannabeuk


    Feb 19, 2013
    Ok, so with the help of the guys on discord i was able to work out the issue. I had forgotten to update my visual studio. One update later and everything works fine.
    rockin likes this.
  3. kwcae


    May 26, 2017
    Any other details pertaining to this, i'm already running VS2015 at it's latest versions and get a similar issue. VS2017 isn't an option for me currently.