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Discussion in 'Assets and Asset Store' started by pushingpandas, Dec 23, 2015.

  1. pushingpandas


    Jan 12, 2013

    anybody else purchased it and got it running? I got red error in fresh project.

    "Assets/uMMORPG/Scripts/PlayerMinimap.cs(7,19): error CS0234: The type or namespace name `SceneManagement' does not exist in the namespace `UnityEngine'. Are you missing an assembly reference?"
  2. nixter


    Mar 17, 2012
    You bought a $70 product the day it came out from a developer who has never once posted (that I could find) on the Unity forums? You are much braver than me.

    Don't get me wrong, this product looks cool and well worth the money from what I can see in the Asset Store video. Judging by tutorials on the developer's website, Noobtuts knows what they are doing in Unity. But a framework like this requires a conversation between the developer and the customers. The developer's silence regarding their previous three products speaks volumes.

    I hope noobtuts comes here and discusses uMMORPG and is willing to answer questions about it. I'd be interested, but I find myself gravitating towards frameworks with active communities (ORK, UFPS, RPGKit). No community is going to form around an absent developer. Even if it has only been out 24 hours, the developer should have posted about it weeks ago and talked it up so people could have doubts and concerns addressed.

    I have seen so many Make Your Own MMO! kits hit with a splash and then the developer disappears a couple of months later. This one looks no different. I'm going to wait and see.
  3. pushingpandas


    Jan 12, 2013
    I was my mistake. I used old unity version. Developer answered instantly to my email. I don't judge asset developer by there presence on the forums. Hence I failed on many assets on "active" forum poster who disappear and there asset went E-O-L.
  4. Teila


    Jan 13, 2013
    Actually, you should judge based on activity on the forums. You took a chance and it worked out for you. But the developers are going to get better response if they create a thread for their product and engage the community. There have been numerous MMOkits out there that are less than promised or have serious issues...or that are abandoned. Same is true with networking solutions. Posting on the forums doesn't help, but it at least gives people who are considering buying more information and helps them to hear of other's experiences. A good product will have better sales if they are out there where we can learn about them.

    So...if they hide away and don't start a forum, they won't get the customer base they need to continue development and won't get the input they need. The chances go way down that the product will survive.

    I do wish them luck and I hope they surpass the ones released in the past that were not worth the money spent. I would happily recommend one to those who ask me if there was more information.
    nixter likes this.
  5. tequyla


    Jul 22, 2012

    Needs to try, of course, too expensive for a test. The features list is clear and full. A few technical choices have been explained and it is very fruitful to understood how dev team works.

    The work seems looks good.
    I just added this asset in my wishlist.

    Teila likes this.
  6. pushingpandas


    Jan 12, 2013
    asset worked flawless like showed in the video. The documentation explains why they choose old gui over new. Looks good for my project.
  7. Teila


    Jan 13, 2013
    That is what we said about Atavism...after we bought it. Lots of money lost. I am skeptical but so glad it works and it works with Unet.

    I wonder about the number of players though. Unity is still limited, even with Unet so be aware of that issue.
  8. pushingpandas


    Jan 12, 2013
    Is Atavism dead?
  9. Teila


    Jan 13, 2013
    No..but it did not live up to the hype. ;) I don't feel like going into it on Christmas eve..will ruin my day.
  10. AlanGreyjoy


    Jul 25, 2014

    What Teila says is true.... and Teila will tell you I used to defend Atavism for a long time now....... not anymore. Not with some insider news I got and the new roadmap they released.

    I bought the vet license almost 2 years ago (270 bucks)..... still have nearly the same atavism as back then. When I bought it, the feature list was big and beautiful!! Only to find out it was missing over HALF of what he said was there. So I stuck around and waited it out.
    Look at the list today.... and it's much much different than the day I bought it. As in... its missing everything that it said was there. And when they do add a feature... its F***ing lazy. Mounts? Wow. How about swimming? They set a global Y value to trigger swimming... cause you know.... swimming around in a canyon where there is NO WATER is super cool. . .
    But why should I expect any different? They are making THEIR OWN mmorpg.... why did I think they would actually make a good mmo framework and have competition? I have no idea. Gullible I guess.

    Noobtuts has been around for a long time, just not here. But given my complete waste of 270 bucks.... it would be very very hard to trust something like this ever again. Not to mention, ummorpg is using onGUI ffs. I know uGUI takes a little more to get going, but that's already a terrible sign for me. I mean... if someone as skilled as the guy that made Inventory Pro made a super simple mmo asset... we'd be all over that lol.

    The only best way of doing an mmorpg.... is not to. Programming is not terribly hard, just takes some time....
    What you will run into is data entry and modeling. Just think about HOW MANY models you need for an mmo. Not to mention icons. Now take those models and icons and link them up with your scripts. Data Entry alone is a 100% full time job. You can have 3k plus items real real real fast. (crafting, tools, weapons, armor, consumables... goes on forever).
    You need someone the tank their way through allllll thhhhaaattt tyyyppping lol.
    MMO's are not feasible for one person... not because of the programming, but everything else.

    Then you have patent trolls. Just do a simple google with "Worlds Inc vs Blizzard". Sure they won.... but NO ONE else does. They simple pay the patent fee (Sony). Sure you could win like Blizzard... but at what cost? Do you just happen to have a couple mil laying around to fight patent trolls?

    Just my 2 cents.
    Rick- and Teila like this.
  11. Teila


    Jan 13, 2013
    Yep, that set off an alarm for me as well. I guess we are all just hyper sensitive after losing so much money. Sad and I hope Noobtuts come through for those following us. I don't think I could be tempted by any MMOkit now unless I personally know the developer and have a working relationship with him/her already.
  12. GraphXCreations


    Jul 6, 2014
    same here, we all been burnt,

    now, this new asset uMMORPG looks nice, but there are a few red flags that keep me from buying.

    1- old unity OnGui (this is a no, no, hence unity got rid of it after pretty much every single user using unity complained and went third party options like ngui)
    OnGui was and is damn resource instensive beast that will bog down client performance insanely.

    2- database, Unity scriptable objects, not sure if this will cut it, specially for an mmorpg, and there is a big reason for that, this means database is bound only to 1 particular server, which means the game can only be 1 single unity instance as backend server, no miltiserver option to expand playerbase, altho developer claims can handle 1500 players, I really doubt that, 1 single server can not handle 1500 players and handle physics , database, navmesh etc.. there is no such a thing as mmo game up to date that is being handled in a single sever instance. with this poor quality database only option, there is no way to expand the server to multiple servers to load balance. no way this will work for mmo game at all.

    3-lack of documentation, there is online product features and very simple and superficial documentation, no tutorials, no how to add items, or how to add new classes etc....... this is a turn off at least for myself, and i imagine a lot of us feel the same.

    4- no developer presence here, big red flag, like mentioned before in this thread, the dev did not care to even ask or even initiate a development thread to interact with community for future features etc...

    to me this seems to be a failed mmorpg project development, which the developer pretty much failed to complete or
    bad core development which led to just discontinue development and at least try to recover time and money invested in it by offering to the community like every other mmokit seen here.

    might be wrong about this, but there is signs(red flags) pretty much everywhere regarding this asset.

    $70 USD for this poor quality asset being offered here is insanely high and not worth the price.
    imho, if it was $10 or even $20 USD I might of purchase it and not for production but for learning experience like I did with Ratspell.

    between this asset and the $10 USD RatSpell mmo kit, for learning purposes RatsSpell wins my vote 1000 times.

    I would not take the risk and spend my hard earned money on another failed mmo solution. but that is just my .002

    Last edited: Dec 29, 2015
    Teila likes this.
  13. GraphXCreations


    Jul 6, 2014
    reading the documentation , there is something that really bothered me,

    not sure if the developer means by this that the server in order to save player data, the server needs to be ran all the time from the unity editor?
    am i reading correctly or misunderstood?
    i mean, player data usually gets saved at least every time player logs out, if not every couple of minutes to save current player state ie: position, items skills, advancement etc...
    so, if the server needs to be ran from unity editor in order to save player data, then here is another big if not enourmous drawback, how can a production server needs to be ran from editor in order to work as a production server.
    can you imagine the amount of resource wasted in order to have a production server online?
    I hope i am misunderstanding what i am reading if not this is very bad idea.
  14. tequyla


    Jul 22, 2012

    good analysis !

    Unity team should be more watchful in the selection of Assets regarding MMO system.

    Last edited: Dec 29, 2015
  15. mischa2k


    Sep 4, 2015
    I am the developer of uMMORPG.

    About the SceneManagement error: you need Unity 5.3, because they moved the Application.loadedLevelName property. Alternatively you can also just use Application.loadedLevelName in a older Unity version.

    About the forum inactivity: I actually wanted to make a thread here as soon as version 1.1 was accepted to the store (has some bugfixes and updated documentation). It's just usually a good idea to not post to all communities immediately, so that critical bugs that are found by early adopters can be fixed first.

    About using OnGUI: I actually used the new UI system for the first few months, but I can't recommend this to anyone that wants to make multiplayer games. In short, it's because the project uses SyncListStructs for items, skills etc. So they do have to live in those SyncListStructs and not in a UI object. UI would kinda work too, but it would mean twice as much complexity for the project, because every skill, item, quest etc. would once be stored in a SyncListStruct and once in a UI GameObject. That's just a big pain, in comparison to just drawing the data structures to the screen by using OnGUI. I really hope that more people realize this and that Unity never abandons the OnGUI system entirely. Another selling point is that OnGUI was around for a long time now, and it works really well and without any bugs that affect the project.
    Also note that OnGUI is resource intensive, but it does run on the game clients and not on the game server, so who cares. I'd prefer a simple project with a few lines of code over a project with lots of code and 10fps more for the clients. Again, this is just my personal preference, because when it comes to MMOs, simplicity is the only way that an indie developer can make one.

    About the database bound to one server thing: UNET doesn't allow you to communicate from one server to another server yet, so there isn't really any elegant way to have multiple servers for map instances. For now, using the ScriptableObject is just so ridiculously simple that I really like it. That being said, I just added a few notes about that to the documentation today, where I explain how people could use their own MYSQL etc. databases if needed. Also note that using MYSQL for the package would mean that everyone who buys also needs the skills to setup a MYSQL database - which would very likely cause a lot of trouble and refunds.

    About the database performance: using a ScriptableObject is not a performance issue, SSD drives a really fast these days. Having to run the server in the editor does have a performance impact, and I will see if this can be avoided in the future versions. Note though that the editor is the ultimate admin panel. You pay with some performance, but you get the best admin panel that any MMORPG has ever seen. You can see and modify everything right there. Again, not running it in the Editor should be an option sooner or later, but also know that (in my opinion) developer time is worth MUCH more than paying 100$/month more for a better CPU that makes the Editor performance impact less noticable.

    About the "70$ for the poor quality asset": I wouldn't call this thing a poor quality asset. I have been playing around with MMO development for many years now, using languages like C, C++, Java, Erlang, Clojure and C#. Most projects ended up with at least 50.000 lines of code for the server. I refactored those concepts/algorithms so many times now that I ended up with 3500 lines of pretty elegant code, as far as C# allows that anyway. Of course, a big part of that is only possible because of UNET. I always fix all known bugs before releasing a new version.

    Let me know if you have any more questions, and thanks to the person who notified me about this thread here.

    EDIT: I created a offical uMMORPG thread here:
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2015
    Teila likes this.
  16. AlanGreyjoy


    Jul 25, 2014
    I dont know if anyone said that bub.

    For 70 bucks.... there is a TON of good stuff in this asset. I mean, this thing is asset rape quality lmao! (It's what I do, I see an asset, wonder how they did that one thing, buy it, and learn :p )

    I also don't think people realize its a Click to move controller as well. I noticed that as soon as I saw the video.
    I've played with unitys nav mesh and click to move before. It's freaking awesome. Unity thinks of nearly everything sometimes. I really love the component you can add to objects even after you bake the nav mesh. Played with that with a small RTS i was programming.

    Now about uGUI.

    I can safely say.... I am a PRO with it lol.

    Sure, it takes A LOT longer to get going, but once you flesh out all the variables in your ui manager script, it goes by fast.

    If you haven't bought InventoryPro, get that. That guy sums up what its like to be the master of uGUI. Learned a lot from that asset.

    Now I am a big fan of noobtuts. It's what got me into unity a long long time ago. My old partner did premium for us and we loved it. I have no reason to use it now, but that was the point :) Your tutorials succeeded :)

    What I would love to get from this asset is the login and register system.
    Is it stored xml? Is it stored in a scriptableobject?

    Also, don't get to upset with the community here on mmo assets. Its a tough crowd to please to begin with. Sprinkle a little of "bad or none updated assets" on top, and you have a massive community that wont trust anyone.

    It's not your fault by any means. It's unity's 100%.

    They allow assets to be on the store that are over 3 years old and never been updated. Remember that procedural planet/space ship asset for 300 dollars? Yea... that's a good example. Up until JUST recently, you could actually buy that..... it was last updated like 3 years ago! 300 bucks for a non working asset. I don't know what country Unity operates from, but it can't be from the US. Cause that S*** dont fly here :p
    One complaint to the FTC and they would tune them up real quick

    I think everyone here needs to see the big picture. I don't go into an asset and think "Thats all I need to do to make a game". You do that.... then you will fail and be very upset. This asset for 70 bucks is a complete steal.


    Well how much do you pay yourself? Take that and compare it to 70 bucks vs you making the asset from scratch.

    Will I buy it? Probably not. Only if he sold that login and register part of it separately. Cause I can do it with mysql easy, but doing it local to each hosts machine is a tough one for me to wrap my head around. I only started with unet about a week ago, and boy do I love it. Just another reason why I pick unity over any other engine.
    Teila likes this.
  17. Teila


    Jan 13, 2013
    The price is great. The quality is yet to be determined by others.:) Glad you added the bit about using My SQL because the fact that you left that out really was astounding. I advise you keep chipping away at the criticism.

    As for uGUI, we use it in our MMO without any problem. It was so easy to use that I can set it up and send it over to my programmers to code. According to my programmers, they would never use anything that required OnGui ever again. I imagine this is going to hurt you more than you know. While this might not be true, it seems to me just something new to learn and if a developer isn't willing to learn the new things that are supported by Unity, they will see their sales hurt.

    Thanks for clearing up the issues. I do feel better about it, but we also won't be buying it, even for learning, which is an excellent reason to buy it. :) The OnGui makes it worth much less than $70.